Countrycradlereborns? Do you know this person?

Omg this is awful. I hate liars. Period. I hope you get your money back @Agiftfromabove . That is a cute baby, Simone.

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I am sorry this happened to you but you can’t let this person color your view of everyone in this community there are many who are good and caring people.

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I would hate to think she is trying to say it’s a prototype

I’m sorry you got scammed. If that is what happened. But don’t let it taint your view of the forum. I would never scam someone. And 99% of the people on here would never do scam. Call PP. See about getting your money back.


I’ve think been you been scammed. I NEVER PAY F&F. I will pay the fees. Did you pay using a bank or credit card company? You can do a chargeback if you did even if it is F&F.

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Simone. I’m not holding it against the forum. I was just in the heat of things. I didn’t mean for it to sound like I blamed y’all. I don’t! I mostly blame myself for being dumb. I should have very well known.

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Nothing to do with the forum hun. I’m just mostly mad at myself. I apologize to you and everyone else for going off the deep end.

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Bank. I will call first thing in the morning.

Wow! I can’t believe that happened! I’m sooo sorry and I agree NEVER pay brought F&F unless you have experience with that person and trust them or for a non refundable deposit on a custom or something. I hope you can get your money back! $500 is A LOT! I’m actually working on a “Kimi” right now, beautiful sculpt…you would have loved her! I’m sorry you are going through this and I don’t know her personally but we follow each other on Instagram and I see her on the forum. It definitely sounds like she scammed you!

I would definitely call the bank and they can fix it for you. I have a friend locally who got scammed on a silicone doll that was sold as a freshly repainted LTR silicone. She made a series of 3 payments through PP using F&F. When she got the doll she found the buyer had taken an old doll and smeared some type of oil paints all over it to make it look painted in photos but the paints were rubbing right off all over her clothing! It was horrible and the seller would not let her return the doll. My friend called the bank here and they reversed all 3 of the charges and got her money back for her. She had to go through a little bit of paperwork to do so and show print outs of the PP transaction, photos of the doll to the bank etc. but she got her money back.


The instagram brought another post from this person to mind you might find it an interesting read it is the post entitled What is wrong with people?!

The problem is it is hard to tell if someone is a known scammer because people often get a different sign in name and come back as someone else once the original sign in name is outed for doing something .
So you have to use your gut feeling about people and deal or not with them or check the Good Feedback post on this site .
Best of luck to you

Since it was sent thru Friends and Family Paypal cannot help. You can however go to your bank immediately and see if they can help you.

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What is Friends and Family? Is this through PayPal or some other kind of payment system, like Venmo?

PayPal offers a friends and family service, if you pay like that, they see it as you simply sending some money to a friend or family member. You won’t be taxed for it.
Otherwise you have to pay a fee.

I don’t know the buyer or seller, BUT I am seeing dolls on ebay advertised as Prototypes for sale, that clearly are not prototypes or prototype quality (not saying this doll isn’t) but must be a new scammer thing
Only ever pay as merchandise for sale, thru paypal, please… it is fully covered then


Didn’t she just make a post about being pregnant? I hate to say it, but that seems to be a common beginning to a scam in the reborn community.


Yes I have seen that happen as well and posts from some that just seem to be right out of a story from a soap opera .But I hate to be one to say wait up are you for real ? because I have had some thing in my life that others might not believe .


I am at the stage in my life now that if I say I am expecting be assured it is a new reborn :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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