Countrycradlereborns? Do you know this person?

I generally start to get suspicious when someone joins and immediately starts smearing compliments and gushing all over anything and everything.
Followed by all forms of personal information that most people would rather keep private until they know people better.
I start watching them then and try to stay aloof until I see if that is for real their personality or bait lol and sometimes they have a melt down all over someone .


Well enough opinions only opinions on my part :smile: go do something I can do something about.

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Your assumption is wrong; she announced she is pregnant on 23rdMarch, if she was just few weeks then the baby would certainly be due in December. You can get positive test very early nowadays; my daughter only missed her period by couple of days, and even the chemist test came out positive. She was just waiting for her period and then was going to start IVF treatment!!! So it was all documented, and tested etc.

As far as calling the doll prototype, some people do not know what it means. I do not know how long she’s been reborning, but I have seen many dolls, obviously done by total newbies and listed as prototypes; when I contacted them and explained they thanked me and changed their listings.

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She did know it wasn’t a prototype however I believe and feel. I remember seeing a comment when she received the baby saying it “could be a prototype” or that she doesn’t know why @anon77773884 isn’t doing proptypes yet. It was something along those lines.


Even if she had just missed a cycle, which was not mentioned, the due date would be Nov. Earliest positive test I have seen in my nursing career was 3 weeks.

Why would she be giving exact times of her last period to people here, on this forum? I do not know how long ago did you work as a nurse, but doctors can nowadays confirm pregnancy in less than 2 weeks from conception, that means sometimes during the couple of weeks before period is actually missed. She was feeling really sick, the doctor did pregnancy test and voila. She may not have even missed a period yet.

But that is all irrelevant. I wonder why would she block Agiftfromabove so soon after the payment; that is not what scammers do. It immediately raises suspicion. Scammers say they will post and then don’t but only block when things get heated.

I hope she is OK; the baby was not planned, she was really scared and overwhelmed by the idea, and she might be going through really bad patch; anything could have happened to her. It is possible the doll will arrive.


Guys. Lets just let things play out. If the doll doesn’t arrive then go to the bank and get the payment back. But lets not jump all over this woman. We don’t KNOW she isn’t pregnant. We don’t know anything. And attacking isn’t fair without due cause.
Now if the doll doesn’t show up then by all means. But lets not be cyber bullies


Whether she is pregnant or no is truly irrelevant. I consider that to be her business.

I have seen scammers immediately block after getting their payments or trades.

I must admit, it’s odd that ALL her accounts went inactive around the same time. Also her FB must be deleted now as well. Someone commented she has a one and was in their group but now they can’t find her.

Another thing, @Agiftfromabove said she purchased her the morning of the third but all her accounts show she was last active around the 22nd-23rd of March.

I guess we’ll have to wait to see how this plays out.


Really? Why would she create another ID and come on here to say she scammed herself?


This is just such a weird situation.

I may be wrong but was Agiftfromabove not the girl that came on and said her Aunt that did reborns died and she did one of her kits and showed it to us?


Yes it was.

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But… Why? What does he/she possibly gain from pretending to be scammed? Attention?


Some people will do or say anything to get attention. Positive or negative, usually doesn’t matter as long as they get some reinforcement in the way of responses from other people.
I wish I thought there were as many nutjobs out there in forums based on other things as there are on reborn forums. Maybe we could get some of these special people interested in something besides babies? Would love to share the wealth!


Exactly that some people need large amounts of attention or drama in their life and will go to great length to achieve it .
My seventh post in is where I started to put out feelers lol to test if what I suspected was possible and if we did have one in our midst again .

Followed by

Was I too subtle ?


My first thought was that she was trying for sympathy in hopes of someone offering a free doll. And that first post about her aunt, seemed like she was leading people into asking for kits… Probably trying to scam people out of money. She wants free dolls to flip for profit and was attempting to gain sympathy to use to her advantage.


That’s what confused me as well. She’s saying that her aunt created dolls and 50 or so reborns but didn’t realize that the reborn wasn’t a prototype & didn’t know about the potential scam with f&f and such. Then I thought I read that she painted one of the kits her aunt had after she passed away so she’s not as “unaware” as she has lead us to believe.

She hasn’t been on since this post so either so she has received the reborn or some others who had suspicions were right.


I thought there was something strange about the aunt post; BUT she also said that she did not really pay much attention to the dolls as she was never interested in them. Then she went on saying that she painted and put together that one doll, but was wondering why it was so heavy - I thought she put it together. Never mind that, what puzzle me is, why spend $500 on doll when there is the collection of 30+ dolls that the aunt made, and no doubt would be happy if they stayed in the family. Unless the dolls were actually left to another member of the family, but then she should not have taken the kit…
Yes, there are inconsistencies, but some people are unable to express themselves, or it would take pages to explain all the details = like, the dolls were left to my cousin, but she told me I can have the kit and paints. I certainly cannot see any suggestion that she was about to ask for freebies.

You cannot judge by little inconsistencies, I can see inconsistencies in many posts here; sometimes something happens between the time one post is written and by the time the next is posted which can change situation.

i hope she will come back and there are logical explanations.


I did not get that @agiftfromabove was trying to get a free doll at all. What I heard was someone grieving. If she had never made a reborn, she might not have known how to weight it properly. She probably wasn’t the only family member involved with her aunt’s belongings.