***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

I have a pattern for one of those little hats. One of these days I’m going to make it.

I finally decided on a kit to do for this challenge! It’s been a toss up between 4. But I think I’m gonna break down an do my favorite one that I have been saving until I get a little better. The dumplin challenge OMG I hate that kit no matter what I do I can’t get the baby look. I’m about to make her a vampire or zombie or something lol

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Totally Leslie!!! It’s a cute DOLL. I can’t wait to be done trying!!! I have tried everything… Still dolly! I can’t wait to see what others come up with!!!

I’m sure they will all be adorable, so far you guys have done amazing jobs on the challenge babies.

This is my first! The challenge dolls are always… A challenge! Lolol

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You are so Right! I am on a Musgrove Kick too!!! I just bought Scarlet and I can’t wait to get her! Hey Nikki my platinum mohair will be arriving soon!!! I have a big p[ic of Jimmi on the wall as inspiration. I think you shouls send me a real pic since she is the subject!! LoL!!!





I’ll take better one… She needs her hair done!


Let me know about scarlet! I heard her eyes fit wonky!!! Please let me know! I can’t wait to see your maltese creation!!!:heart:️:heart:️

Awe man! I just wanna be able to breathe again… right now I feel like I am drowning LOL!!

I know for sure I won’t get to do dumplin even though I ordered her. Not sure I will have time to do the Christmas baby either.

But I can’t wait to see all of your babies!!!

I am missing y’all and all of this fun.


Quick ? Contest Christmas babies need to be from BB right or wrong? Trying to decide on kits. Thx!

I pmed @westernstarr with the same question a few days ago and she said we can use any kit. :slight_smile: It doesn’t have to be a bb kit


Sweet! Thanks. That makes it easier to narrow my choices lol

Lol :laughing: If we had to use only bb kits I wouldn’t be able to participate. No money right now to buy new kits, But have one on pre-order that I’m waiting for. So I’m going to use that one.

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Ok Ladies,

I have just done a copy and paste for the challenge…I will do this every now and then so that the rules will be visible throughout this thread without having to scroll to the very top every time which can be annoying and boring…

Also it allows me to have a quick look to clarify anything if there are questions asked where the rules may have been a bit vague…
Hope this makes it easier for everyone too…

So YES…to those of you are wondering if you can use kits other than BB…This is pretty much an artist choice challenge…There is going to be some pretty tough voting on this one with so many talented ladies but it will be a total blast and I am looking forward to seeing all the babies… :heart_eyes:


Looking forward to nthis contest. I have my doo, dress, hair,etc. Starting hger this week. Can’t wait. So excited

Come on Christmas!!! I have to wait HOW LONG?


I LOVE it!!!