***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

Approx. 50 days❤️


I count the days! I have a really cool pregnancy day by day book, so I always know what’s going on in there!


Yep my mom is like “HOW are you eating that it smells terrible!!” I’m just like “huh? It tastes good!” Lol for some weird reason I can smell popcorn like super well and it is THE WORST thing ever😷 I can’t eat it because just being near it makes me nauseous (probably because it overrides my senses especially the one that doesn’t work). Most of the time what I can’t smell is bad( I painted a room once and couldn’t smell just how strong the fumes were and almost passed out midway through)

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If popcorn bothers you, be sure you’re not around BURNT popcorn. It’s the worst ever, and it stays in your nose forever. I don’t even have to be pregnant for that to make me sick. My kids burned popcorn once while I was upstairs sleeping and it literally kept me awake all night!

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Oh my god I know exactly what you mean! When I had sun poisoning my nose was doing some weird things(actually my whole body was) and popcorn is all my family wanted to make… Let’s just say I had a bin near me at all times… The worst part is my 8 year old brother kept trying to make it himself and burned about 3 bags😷

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I would love to do this, just have to learn how to post on here. Just learning the site.


I am in on the Christmas Challenge!! I am just finishing up on the Dumplin Halloween Challenge.It is so much fun doing these. Christmas will be my third Challenge and I love seeing how different the sculpts look. There is so much talent here and so much to learn! Everyone is so very nice and extremely helpful.


I am really getting into this one! I’ve already got mine partly finished. The photos are going to be really important on this one so I hope my iphone behaves and takes nice ones!


I agree with you about the pictures!!! This Christmas Challenge is wide opened…Pick your own Sculpt and to alter or not to alter??? Christmas Outfit??? This is going to be all over the place and a blast to say the least!!


I tried to like it twice for you !!


Hi everyone…I’m back…so excited…I have been without internet for almost 2 weeks…YIKES! It was terrible! Had to get a new wireless box as we are rural and the service has taken 10 days to get it turned on. Anyway, I won’t complain…All is well…I MISSED YOU LADIES!!! SO GLAD TO BE BACK…BIG HUGS TO EVERYONE…LOL

Hope everyone is having fun with the Christmas and halloween babies…


Glad your back in the 21st century! I hate being without my computer, but then again I could get a lot more done lol welcome back !


Thanks Angel…So glad to be back…It was a bit of a ‘time warp’ being without the computer for that long…lol :smile:


Glad to see you back!

Welcome back Starr. We missed You !!!

We all wondered where you were. Good to have you back. :heart:

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Thank you so much ladies…I missed you all too…you all sure do know how to make a person feel cared about…I think this forum has the loveliest ladies in the whole world…What a wonderful ‘forum family’ we make!


Welcome home Starr!!! Glad to see you back!!

Thanks Debbie…I am glad to be back… :smile: :smiley: