***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

Nikki, pm me pics. I’m sure she’s beautiful!

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Nikki enter her anyway. I really think there’s only so much dolly anyone can take out of her, not that she isnt adorable. Come play


I will … I have to get needles to do her hair still! :smiley:

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Enter her anyway, Nikki. I didn’t like my Celeste, but I entered her. She got a few votes, and she sold very quickly. So quit doing the pregnant pout, and take the pictures! :angry: (just teasing)

Oh, how’s da bun?


I had such a cute alternative dumplin idea… And chickened out. :weary::weary::weary::weary: when I can paint again, I’m going to do it just for kicks! :heart:

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Bunny is fine, I am the one being a baby!!! I am totally whining today!!! I’m crabby and I am never crabby and everything smells musty! I changed 10 times… It’s me!’ I am musty!!! GROSS!!! And I think Jimmi the maltese knows… She won’t get off my lap!


It’s OK Nik-------it’s all about the pregnancy!! You got a long way to go so keep up your good spirits and make sure we stay informed ok? I think you should enter your dumpling anyway, everyone loves to see pictures.


If the challange was less dolly, I failed. But I will send in the pics:-) :heart:️:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:


Lol when i pregnant a guy in one of my college classes was playing with his lighter a few seats away and i was like, does anybody smell that? He started laughing and showed me his lighter and was like, you suddenly have superhuman smell? Wow! You have the coolest parasite ever! I was like…um, thanks? The smell of deisle about killed me lol


I must have SCARLET!!! I NEVER noticed her before!!! I was reading old posts from before she was released!!! I am so glad she isn’t discontinued!!! I love the musgrove babies!!! :heart:️:heart:️


Lololol but I hate my own smell!!! Lololol I can’t escape me!!! Lolololol kidding! Kind of! :smiley::smiley::smiley:


Ok… I will!
:heart:️ I will get to at least shop for a cute Halloween outfit! :jack_o_lantern:


Yay! I’m sure your Dumplin is adorable! Can’t wait to see her!


I had forgotten that about pregnancy. It did that to me too; that is, heightened my sense of smell. That’s why rubber tires smelled good I guess. But I remember that spaghetti was just too intense for me to stand. Other things smelled extra delicious. But I sniff everything anyway. It’s a joke around here. I can’t see well, I can’t hear well, so I guess I rely on the senses that work, right? But being prego just does strange things to your senses and your mind. It’s okay to be grumpy. You are the princess right now!

Oh, that reminds me of when I was having my first child. I was in transition and the doc came in to check me. I yelled “leave me alone and get out!” He went too! Talk about pregnant and grumpy!


Thank you for all of that Helen❤️

I really like the fact that this challenge can be any kit :slight_smile: Nikki, I hope you have a very smooth and healthy pregnancy. I can’t wait to see pictures of the baby once he or she is born.

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Well, you will see before! I’ll show my ultra sounds!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


I wish I could sniff things!lol I can’t smell, just like someone is blind or deaf, only with my nose😔 sometimes it’s a good thing… However it would be nice to be able to stop and smell the flowers somedays. I can smell very strong things though like extra strong perfume. It’s tricky sometimes too like when I’m making lunch and can’t smell the lunch meat or cheese… Oh well I have perfect sight for a reason right? LOL

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Sierra, doesn’t that make it hard to taste things too. The two senses work together, right?


How far along are u now

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