***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

Mee tooo! I already started.

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You guys are all Hysterical !!!

I can’t wait to get started on mine! I am waiting on a few supplies and then I can get to work.

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For is challenge, I know it says you can submit more than one but is there a limit to how many?

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I’m in just ordered my kit hubby wanted me to yay that’s rare for him so got to make this one good


I will have to enter this one for sure :slight_smile: I just love seeing everyone’s work in one place! It would be so cool if the winner got some kind of ribbon, even if it was something very simple and handmade.

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I sort of think it might be good to keep at 1 or 2 entries per person. But you other ladies out there, feel free to pop an opinion on here…

[quote=“fallnangelmama, post:74, topic:28371”]
I’m in just ordered my kit hubby wanted me to yay

Yayyyyyyyyy! Now that is what I call the TRUE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT :wink:

I think everyone decided that we wouldn’t be giving prizes, etc…If I were RICH RICH I would love to give something to everyone that enters this challenge but alas…I am not… :disappointed: I want this to be great fun for EVERYONE though…There is so much talent out there with the ladies on this forum. I have been amazed at all the other creative, artistic things many of you ladies do beyond reborning and I am so hoping some of that will come though in this challenge…This challenge is one for inspiring ‘Christmas Spirit’ through your little creations and the way they are presented… :smile:


That sounds good. I just saw that you could enter more than one but didn’t know the limit. I agree that we should keep it to 1 or 2 entries per person.

Also, since some seem to be interested in a prize for these contests, maybe in the future there could be like a very small fee to enter like $5 or something and then all the money collected would go to a BB gift certificate for the winner. That way BB gets some love too since we are holding the contests on their forum. Just a thought.


We have talked about prizes in the past and have agreed we wish to keep these just as a challenge, and not about prizes. However, it’s okay to say “winner of Bountiful Baby Customer Forum Christmas Challenge” on your listings as long as you say (not affiliated with Bountiful Baby). They don’t hold these challenges. The members do. So winning may benefit you in other ways. But for us, it’s all about seeing the amazing artistic creations of all our forum friends. I hope it always stays that way. :blush:


I agree. The challenge encourages everyone, experienced and inexperienced, to improve their talent. Prizes and entrance fees would surely discourage the less experienced artists from entering.

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Well it was just a suggestion since so many always ask about a prize. I don’t care one way or another to tell you the truth. This will be my first time participating in one and I am very excited.



I think I am even more excited than all of you because I can’t wait to see all the beautiful babies as you ladies send in the pictures…heehee! I already feel like going Christmas shopping and wearing a Merry Christmas Tee shirt and some Christmas ball earrings just reading this thread…have even found myself whistling Christmas Carols while I am working…lol


I know. I have been having dreams about painting. LOL I must be excited because that never happens.

Everybody seems more excited about this one than the others. Do you think it’s because you get to pick your own kit? Or is it because everybody likes to dress babies for Christmas?
@Kate Sorry, did I sound critical? It wasn’t meant that way. :relaxed:


I don’t know… Doesn’t everyone make Christmas dolls anyway? I think everyone likes it because it’s just doing what you were going to do anyway. I think it’s more of a creativity challange. It did make me remember what I had planned on doing so I’m happy!


No not critical at all. I know it’s been discussed lots before but there always seems to be a little interest in a prize during every challenge. I was kind of just thinking out loud.

As for this contest, I’m in on it because I get to choose the kit. I haven’t done the others because 1 money was tight and I couldn’t afford a kit that I didnt have in hand. And 2 it’s open to anything and not just babies. Plus who doesn’t love Christmas?!


I am not entering the challenge but I can’t wait to see the HALLOWEEN babies!!! I bet there is going to be some really awesome ones. When does that one end and when do we vote on it?


The halloween challenge ends October 4st and voting should be up on the 5th :slight_smile: I already have one entry so far!


I am looking forward to seeing those halloween babies too and voting!..that is great that you already have one entry at this early date…there ought to be some really good imaginations showing in that challenge as well…

I think all the challenges are fun because each one is different…and we can get on here and promote them if we want to and keep people motivated…Lots of reminders, holiday pics, and everyone chatting about it…all that helps keep the ‘excitement’ building…

Christmas is a time when most people feel great anyway…the excitement is in the air as it gets closer. I hope this challenge helps to get everyone in the Christmas Spirit a little early… :smile:


I painted my dumplin, but I am not entering! I have tried everything in my limited creative box… And well, she is cute but TOTALLY dolly! I can buy her a cute Halloween outfit but … She is still dolly! I can’t wait to see the other entries!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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