***** Christmas Baby Challenge - 2015 *****

You are not! :gift_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart:

Nikki you are NOT dumb. You are one smart cookie! I am always putting myself down and my husband gets mad at me. He won’t let me call myself dumb. He tells me to "quit picking on " his best freind. Well now I’m going to tell you. “Quit picking on my friend!”


:arrow_double_up::arrow_double_up::arrow_double_up: yep! Love yourself mamas! :heartpulse:

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Yes we are still on for the Christmas Challenge. I just decided to step back on promoting it to allow Miranda to get her Swap up and running cause I felt like it might be a bit overwhelming having all the ‘events’ popping up at once. I thought it better to allow her to get all her names in for the Swap first so now that is all done I will start commenting on this one again so that it stays near the top so new ladies (and gents) joining or returning know it is going on.

So here we go…


Come join us for the Christmas Baby Challenge…Lots of fun for everyone…ANYONE AND EVERYONE welcome…

Here is a refresher of the rules…


This is a special invitation to all you new ladies who have recently joined the forum (and any of our regulars who may have missed this topic or are undecided)…We’re having a Christmas baby challenge and would love to have you come join the party*! IT’S JUST FOR FUN…A WAY TO GET INTO THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT DOING SOMETHING YOU ALREADY LOVE!* and it finishes in time for you to list and sell your baby for some extra Christmas dollars or give as a gift. Most of us will be making Christmas babies anyway so send in your photos and come join the fun.

GENERAL RULES: (A bit boring but necessary!)

Doll pictures can not be displayed on any other sites until after voting, This includes Facebook, Ebay, other social and sale sites, etc

No one should reveal what doll kit they will be doing - like receiving a Christmas pressie - this should be a total surprise!!!

You may enter more than one baby if you wish…

The voting is open to FORUM MEMBERS ONLY

There will be 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.

Pictures can be submitted at any time to my email address - butterfliesandbows@live.com

We need 2 pictures for each entry - 1 close up face shot and 1 full body shot

OK, Now the FUN PART!!!

THEME: Christmas - This can be achieved by the sculpt you choose or the way you dress your baby…No other rules apply.

DOLL KIT: Any Doll Kit of your choice (preferably a BB kit if possible) - This is a great way to go through your stash and clear out a few of those 'cobwebbed kits and make some dolly dollars or extra Christmas funds!

START DATE: Officially to start immediately after the HALLOWEEN BABY CHALLENGE but those of you who want to get started now…Go for it.

FINAL SUBMISSION DATE: November 27th - This is the Friday right after Thanksgiving so you have lots of time to get those creative juices flowing and get your photos in and it will allow voting to be finished on the 30th so that you can list you babies for sale in plenty of times for Christmas Shoppers. (It also allows you to focus on family and your Thanksgiving festivities up to Thanksgiving and once that is behind you, you can get down to business and get your votes in…)

VOTING: Voting will be done on a 'Star Rating" system -

Voters will designate stars for their choices - I will make up a template similar to Michele’s - (I thought that was a brilliant and easy to use system - Way to go Michele!)

1st Choice - 3 stars
2nd Choice - 2 stars
3rd Choice - 1 star

VOTING WILL BE OPEN - NOVEMBER 28TH - 30TH (and must be submitted by November 30th - 9pm EST.)
(I will have to figure out when that is since we are 15 hours ahead of you here in Oz but I’ll be ready…lol)

You may vote for your own baby if you feel it is the best…
You can only cast your votes once.

This is pretty much an artist choice challenge

There is going to be some pretty tough voting on this one with so many talented ladies but it will be a total blast and I am looking forward to seeing all the babies. heart_eyes


Just a reminder that it’s just 84 days till Christmas…Yayyyyyy

and just 58 DAYS to get those Christmas Babies finished and photo submitted…

Can’t wait to see what you ladies come up with…so exciting!!! :smile:


Lol I’m so slow… I guess I better start! :heart:

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Am I too late to join? I have a very cool idea and customer who is wanting to buy it.

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Yes! Join in!!

Baby out fit should be here this week :+1:t3::wink::grinning: yay!!!

Your wayyyyy ahead of me sister!

Ok let me back up lol I have the outfit but umm not the baby to put in it lol so… I’m ummm thinking that part is important! I am going to get started this week ( I hope)


I will have to go get material to make the outfit for mine. I wish I knew how to make a body. But I am afraid I would screw them up

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Count me in as well, I have too many to complete by Christmas and no time to share photos so I’ll pick one or so from “Santas” work station :blush:

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well I just changed my mind on the sculpt I am so excited to do this.

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Hi Ladies…just getting back home after 4 days away…Not too late to join the fun at all…Just on time actually…The more the merrier…so looking forward to seeing what you ladies come up with… :smile: .


Hope everyone is having fun working on those Christmas babies…47 days left to turn in those photos!


What an adorable photograph. I would love to steal that idea!


For any of you new ladies that don’t know and for all you regulars…just a reminder…We have our Christmas Baby Challenge coming up…going to be so fun and festive…If these little beauties don’t get you in the holiday spirit…nothing will!!!
Rules are listed above throughout this thread so just scroll up and have a look…Any Questions are welcome and this is fun for EVERYONE!!! Just needs your imagination and a little time…

Looking forward to seeing lots of photos… :smile:

Send one face/head shot and one full body shot of your baby to


The count down is on…6 weeks left (42 days) to turn in your pictures… :sweat_smile:


Its sneaking up fast on me! :wink: The kids have all been tag teaming being sick off and on for a while. Healthy all summer and when school starts again, well, yeah… Anyway got one entry almost done. Going back and forth on the sculpt for my second. Hi starr!!

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Sames!!! My 3 kids and husband keep passing junk around!!! It sucks. I have 3 babies I need to work on!! Booooooo

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