Check Your Sage!

OK, I did as suggested. I could see in the light that there are different darker parts, but none more than the other BB kits. So, I used the alcohol. Nothing. It was clean. There was an X on the right side of the head, not in ink or anything. More like it was rubbed into. So, I got the W&N and went over it. Just that are where the X was had a little paint come off She is clean under that. And nothing came off on any of the limbs. Now, I can’t swear she will paint well. When I am able to get back to painting some, I will try doing a layer and see how it does. :slight_smile: But, I have another kit in front of her who gets first dibs on my paint time. Anyway, since I put the W&N on her, I had to wash her. So, I did that and she is drying. There was no JD on her neck – only the kit name. So, what does it mean if it has JD on it? My older Cookie had JD on it.


JD stands for Joy Dolls. That’s the good factory. Older Realborn kits as well as a lot of other kits from other sculptors are made at Joy Dolls. Bountiful Baby branched out and added the new factory after Covid because Joy Dolls was backed up with too many kits.


The Michael I’ve been working on is awful. I’m going to try and sell him for about 250 bald if I can. Not poured at JD.


Michael should be the old vinyl unless some of the older releases are now being pour at the new factory. I thought I read someone mentioned that they had paint on Christopher which also was originally the old vinyl.


He wasn’t poured at JD

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That is just horrible!

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I have painted two Michael kits and both of mine have been nice vinyl with no issues.

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Were they poured at Joy dolls?

I already sold the first one so I can’t check. But I still have the second one so I can check it later

Me too - $38 Canadian for shipping to you and then whatever it would cost to send them back…ugh!


This is so sad to hear, I’m a bit worried. I haven’t purchased new kits in awhile since I took some time off. I saw last night they had a 60% off sale on certain kits, so I picked up Alyssa for 27 dollars, a bargain price I thought. It did not mention seconds or anything like that.
Now I’m worried shes going to be one of the painted damaged kits.
Has anyone had problems with Alyssa?
Gee makes me wonder now why some are on sale :slightly_frowning_face:
27 is a good price but not for a damaged kit, but the total was 40, shipping plus tax.
How will I know shes from the good JD factory?


She’s not from JD. A lot of people have had issues with Alyssa. Hopefully they are inspecting them better now though so you won’t get a probably kit.

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I had a 1st quality Alyssa that had the factory paint on it. BB replaced it with another 1st quality and it ended up having more paint then the original one.


Did you have to pay return shipping? I hope they covered the cost?

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I did not but this was a couple of months ago before they really knew there was an issue with the factory painting the kits.


I don’t know how they can get away with this, I’ve never heard of such a thing, sending out defective painted kits, it boggles the mind.
They should be scrambling to pull all the kits and not allow any to be sold. It’s going to ruin their reputation.


He isn’t marked with JD. I wouldn’t have known the difference though. His vinyl is just as nice and the flanges are shaped the same.

I totally agree. Even on 2nds lot it isn’t acceptable to me. They are nothing more than 3rds/test parts with that kind of damage if they have to be stripped to hold paint, then turn yellow when stripped and have marks underneath the paint.


They say we can send them back. So that’s supposed to make everyone happy. But we would have to pay shipping both ways. I know that’s how most businesses do it. So technically I guess it’s okay. And now they have added a dislaimer to the seconds kits. But since there was no disclaimer before, they should refund us including the shipping both ways if they want us to send the kits back.


There was no mention of the sale kits being seconds.
I wonder if BB was using these kits in a class on reborning maybe?
If that’s the case they have nerve reselling “used” kits.
Technically they are used, its been handled and painted.

On another note, is it odd not to receive an order confirmation email?