Check Your Sage!

I Goggled it - it take 30-40 days for barge to go via ocean from China to the US. An this is just for cargo time.
So with that said I would expect the flawed painted kits still be there for another 6 mo, including production, packing in China, delivering here, unpacking in the US…
I hope I am wrong :frowning:


I wish BB would list which dolls are from the new factory and could be affected. I’m holding off buying anymore kits or parts from them until it is clear this problem is taken care of. I need to go check over my last order again to make sure there isn’t any paint


Sometimes you can tell which factory by looking at the photos of the unpainted kit on BB. The other factory seems to have the more peachy vinyl and the armholes are smaller in size than the JD factory. Not sure if that is a fool-proof way any more, though.


This would be awesome! And I wonder if since the new factory has the molds does that mean those kits will forever be made at that factory? I haven’t painted any from the new factory yet. But I’ve heard people say the limbs and head tend to fall off sometimes because the flanges aren’t sturdy enough.


Oooo maybe I can get a deep discount Happy Sage. :thinking:


Oh no that is not cool! Did BB refund you anything?

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I need to make sure the one I grabbed is okay. It was the first day it came out and it was a second-not on sale. The clause about the paint wasn’t there because the kits were supposed to be checked more carefully at that time. Why would they have paint on them at all? They wouldn’t be painting them to sell as finished kits on the Chinese market, or would they? That would explain how they get copies of the kits.


Definitely check……that’s the one I got and it had paint on it.


After reading the reviews here, I was wondering what I would receive. I ordered the Happy Sage kit, seconds. Well, when I opened the box, as far as I can tell, she is just like the old BB kits. I don’t know which factory she was made in, and I don’t even know which factory they used to use. But, I just wanted to put this out here, as everyone is discussing this. I feel very blessed to have received such an awesome kit. I have not purchased any kits in a very long time because I felt I could not paint them well. But, this one reminds me of our second grandson when he was about this age. :slight_smile: I hope everyone else’s problems are squared away very soon.


Did you check it with alcohol or Windsor and Newton? Sometimes you can’t see the paint with the naked eye.


Very true.
I thought my Grumpy Sage was not painted… but one of the legs had 2 scratch marks… I scrubbed it with a wet paper towel and nothing… used some alcohol on a q-tip and it came right off.


I received the Happy Sage kit today and she is in perfect condition as far as I can tell. She does have a strong chemical smell, but I soaked her in a warm bath and I believe she will be ok now.

After all this I would test her with alcohol or W&N. In fact, I will be testing all my kits from BB from now on…


Has anyone gotten a reply other than the generic auto message? It’s been 4 days and I feel like I’m being ignored. BB usually replies the same day, and I’ve sent several emails. I’ve gotten nothing of any help.


It honestly feels like I’ve been scammed at this point. I paid basically full price for a kit with undisclosed problems. Now I’m not getting any sort of reply from the company, besides the one unhelpful generic response. If I sold someone a kit with undisclosed issues and ignored their messages, it would definitely be considered a scam. I don’t understand why the problem isn’t being addressed whatsoever. So frustrating!


To all the ones who asked, no, I did not try to strip it. I read on one of these forums, I think it was from BB, that the painted parts can be felt. I don’t know, because as I said, this is the first kit I have purchased in a very long time. So, if I don’t feel anything different, how do I test it? Do I have to strip the entire kit? I see some say they used a q-tip and W&N, or alcohol to check, but, how do you now where to check? That is why I thought mine was fine – it feels like all the older kits. But, I totally trust you guys as you have had experiences with this. So, if I need to, I will strip the kit, but if I can test just a part, I would rather do that. Thanks!


BB was the ones who said that it could be felt. But for me, I couldn’t feel it. I don’t know if that was just me though. I used my rooting lamp and stuck it inside the the pieces and you could see where the paint was.


Cool idea! I have a rooting lamp. I will try that.


The rooting lamp works sometimes. But not always. My sage’s entire head was painted. So it all looked and felt the same. Just get a q-tip and alcohol and wipe it. Even a paper towel with alcohol would work so you can wipe large areas quicker. If there’s paint, you will see it transfer to the paper towel or q-tip.


You can also go into the sunlight and look. My paint was a slightly different color than the vinyl, and it was very matte.