Check Your Sage!

They say we can send them back, but aren’t replying to my emails with my request to return them. They only give you 30 days to return, and it’s been about week since I contacted them. I’m going to run out of time to return it if they don’t reply soon :woman_facepalming:

They aren’t previously used. The factory that poured/produced the kits painted over them to cover imperfections such as staining, black marks, and etc.

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Ohh I see

I think id rather black marks, factory paint sounds scary, and I don’t strip…oh that didn’t sound right :rofl:

Well on Alyssa’s description it says this…
“This kit has full arms and legs and comes unpainted and ready to reborn. Alyssa is about 18 inches long when completed, with a head circumference of approximately 13 inches.”
So if it says unpainted and it is not then a chargeback should be easy…which should get back any shipping costs

That’s not cool. And even when they do respond they need to cover your shipping costs.


Just know if you do a chargeback you will never be able to shop at bountiful again. My sister mistakenly opened a claim on my Pp account (thinking it was hers) and I haven’t been able to order for years. Tried different cards, addresses, everything. It’s unfortunate because I love the realborns and would’ve wanted to support the company


Looks like they are aware and taking care of the problem, that is good :slight_smile:

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So are all the kits from Joy Dolls safe, then? I don’t have Windsor and Newton or alcohol right now to test but this kit has JD.

Just an update, My Alyssa came today and she is perfect, no problems :slight_smile:
I went ahead and purchased more kits so hopefully those will be fine as well.


I was scrolling through these old paint complaints and noticed your picture is the exact same issue I have on my Callie kit. She’s a 2nd kit that had a “paint” sticker on the bag. I initially thought it was 2nd cuz it was scratched. But now after seeing your pictures I realize it’s paint. So I washed the kit, then alcohol rubbed it. Only paint rubbed off over the scratched area and no where else. My problem is, it’s not completely coming off. What else can I use to remove it?? I’ve had her longer than the 30 day refund window. :weary: not a complete loss cuz it’s actually for my daughter. But still I want it to be perfect.

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Mine didnt come off all the way with rubbing alcohol. I have not tried winsor and newton yet… but I have some now so I probably will try it.

Personally for me it isnt a big deal cause I can make it an alternative if it wont remove it.

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Windsor & newton brush cleaner and restorer removes it very easily I put some on a dish sponge and it pretty much just wipes it right off. A toothbrush is good for scrubbing the paint in the creases and wrinkles

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What’s restorer?

If you just get the brush cleaner it doesn’t work so good. Something about the brush cleaner/restorer that makes stripping easy

Winsor & Newton Brush Cleaner & Restorer - 32 oz. bottle (Packaging may vary)

Oh fantastic, thanks!! I’ll let you know how it turns out.

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That Windsor Newton was awesome!! It took the paint completely off, where Mona Lisa didn’t. Thanks!!


Yay I’m so glad that worked out! It’s one of my favorite tools :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Takes the fear out of painting lol cause I can always strip it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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