
I’m so sorry for your loss. Prayers be with you

So sorry Nikki :cry:

I’m so sorry :disappointed_relieved: Big hugs

My heart just broke. Oh, Nikki…I’m so sorry. And please don’t be sorry- we were all happy to share in the news of baby bunny, I’m glad you told us, and I don’t think you told us too soon. I can’t believe it. I can only imagine how you must feel. I wish I was there to give you a hug and keep you company. Bunny was very loved by us all. Please know that my thoughts are with you. We all love you very much!

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So so sorry, Nikki. I will be praying for you and your husband. Hugs

Omigosh Nikki this was heartbreaking to read!!! I know this can’t fix much but sending you some (((hugs))). Just know you did nothing wrong and please still go to your doctor to get it checked out!!!

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Oh Nikki im so sorry :frowning: did your ob tell you why you havent been able to carry to term? Maybe they need to give you a hormone or something.

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So sorry to read this! Thoughts and prayers to you!

Nikki, I hope you can feel and see a big circle of us surrounding you in our thoughts, prayers and love.

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Sending you lots of prayers!!!

Thinking of you sweet girl. :heartpulse:

I am so heartbroken. My heart goes out to you. Please don’t lose hope. Be persistent if it’s what you want and seek medical assistance. The future is full of hope. Prayers and love.

Nikki has not been on the forum since her initial post! Hopefully she will check in soon and update us? Perhaps D&C???


Nikki please know you are in all of our thoughts and prayers. I keep checking in to see if you have been on yet.

Pia you are probable right hospital I was scrolling through this post and realized there has been nothing else from her.:cry::cry::cry:

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I pm her no response I’m really worried :sob::broken_heart::broken_heart: I pray she is ok

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I think she’s probably in the hospital.

Oh Nikki I am so very sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your husband. :sleepy:

I’m hoping for the best. I’ll be patiently awaiting an update…I wish there could be some good news. This is just so sad. Nikki is such a sweet lady, too.

I’m hoping she hasn’t been back because the doc might have found a heartbeat and kept her in hospital. I really, really hope that’s it. Praying.