Benjamin Blick

Like a kid with their face pressed to a window.
Hey, look at me! :eye::pig_nose::eye:


LOL yep!

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I find it odd that he sold out so fast. Benjamin didnā€™t seem that popular of a sculpt, wondering if most people bought him just to resell him for lots of moneyā€¦which is very inconvenient for those who actually wanted himā€¦

I started liking him after a little, thinking about what I did like about him. I love his limbs, especially those chubby legs. I was planning on buying at least 1 kit butā€¦guess not :persevere:


I think Natali makes really nice limbs on her babies. The only baby of hers Iā€™ve purchased has been Larry, and he had a cute face and nice limbs.


He wasnā€™t a ā€˜gotta have itā€™ for me but I really like the limbs on this kit.


Benjamin didnā€™t do anything for me but when I saw how fast the kit sold and how upset peope were that they didnā€™t get him I second guessed myself. I wondered what I was missing that everyone thought was so appealing.


We all have different tastes. It doesnā€™t particularly appeal to me, either. :woman_shrugging:t2:

I absolutely love this little one!! Best prototype of him imo. I missed out on him as well. Shocked he went so fast!


I got him because he kinda resembles my son whoā€™s name is also Benjamin. The expression is close but the nose is kinda piggy and not like my sons at all


I hate his nose but bought him anyway :sweat_smile:


I didnā€™t see anything special in this one so I didnā€™t purchase. He reminds me of Tutti which I still have in my stash and havenā€™t painted, and I thought she was SOOOO cute when I bought her kit.

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Iā€™m bummed I didnā€™t get one and yes this sounds sour, but a lot of people were. I had to work. Yes in the end it is just a doll kit, but with all this scalping these days, I feel we will see half the edition for $600 on eBay and sadly people will pay those crazy prices for a vinyl doll kit.

I am also not paying $3000 for a painted non-prototype just cause it is an unfairly SOLE kit.

I am not paying an over inflated price to some scalper and I wish people would let these kits on eBay and Facebook groups rot, but people need that gratification. I can see if outside the doll community these dolls appreciate in value like a Picasso, but they donā€™t, so why spend so much?

This is why some people are upset and this may be an unpopular opinion, but maybe they should go over everyoneā€™s order to make sure they order one.

If there wasnā€™t so much kit scalping, greed, and hoarding going on, Iā€™d accept the fact that I and others missed out.

Someone claimed they got 4 and they arenā€™t even an artist. Bet I know where at least 3 of them would be.

I love truly limited kits but I feel with todayā€™s circumstances, maybe they do need to do something different for this one.

There were only 999 worldwide. Even at one a piece, there would still be thousands of artists and collectors that missed out.


I got one for the limbs. I really do not like the face, but I might see something in the blank. Once I check him out in person, I may very well sell him. I think he is going to be easier to get second-hand than Sue-Sue or Maggi. The SOLE market is what it is, same with any hot commodity. If someone is willing to pay, then why not sell for the going rate? If I do sell mine, it will be at market price, not at cost, and I donā€™t feel one way or the other about it. It is business.


Not sure what you mean that you truly love LEā€¦bc small LE editions have always sold out fastā€¦super fast sometimesā€¦there have always been kit hoardersā€¦and heck if I make a doll and someone wants to pay 3G for a kit that I have paintedā€¦thatā€™s between me and themā€¦its a business transaction.

Yeaā€¦ I got bummed back in the dayā€¦sitting at my computer waiting on kits to open and if I didnt hit the button fast enoughā€¦bamā€¦900 kits gone in 5 minutes or lessā€¦

But that is just the way it goesā€¦and I have bought some of those kits from people who got more than oneā€¦not for 4 times what they paid though ā€¦againā€¦they can charge what they wantā€¦but their range of buyers goes waaay down when they try to price gouge.


The point is I wouldnā€™t be surprised if 30 percent of the edition will go to eBayā€¦instead of people enjoying it. I know people will miss out either way.

I meant I love LE as in those who arenā€™t like Stanly, Liam, Saskiaā€¦but have a set number and that is it.

Iā€™m not here to argue or have a long discussion on it. Just a rant on how I and others I have spoken to about this kit feel.

You can sell a doll for as much as you can. Kudos to you if you can sell one for that much, but I said I personally refuse that for a vinyl reborn when I can get a silicone.

The difference is this kit wasnā€™t SOLE but a preorder. People likely bought previously SOLE kits with the intent to enjoy or paint/sell, not the intent to flip and resell for 6x more the price.

Itā€™s like these people who just want a PS5 and they are auto taken by bots and flippers and put right on eBay. Hence now vendors are doing one per address or account.

Honestly, I only been in the community since 2018 and this is the first preorder that I seen that was like this. So maybe I havenā€™t experienced one like this. I am so used to the preorder number setting the edition, I guess. Someone said she had it already set which is the first Iā€™ve seen personally.

I wish the advertising could had been more clear. Like them saying this kit already has a edition of letā€™s say 999, vendors were allotted X number of kits each, so be there.

In the end it is a kit and others will come outā€¦

I think people know which sculptors to watch out for new kits to buy multiple of their kits to up sell when they sell out. $300 at most used to be fine but $600 is ridiculous.

Yeah if people want to be crazy and buy them, then thatā€™s them. I understand supply and demand and capitalism, doesnā€™t mean it makes it right for everything, especially if the only work you did was twitch your finger a few times on a mouse faster than others or at the right time.

People believe in this mess until a retail store does it or there is a shortage on a product like hand sanitizer.

Itā€™s just annoying cause due to COVID and people scalping everything, there are several things affected by scalping, that honestly doesnā€™t have shortages, just people being greedy.

I started in 2007ā€¦back thenā€¦new releases were few and far betweenā€¦alot of editions were only 700ā€¦it was rare for an LE to be close to 1000ā€¦now itā€™s basically the norm.

I think the smaller editions create desirability both with the artist and with the collectorā€¦


Exactly. If you love truly limited editions you have to take the good with the bad. Thereā€™s a lot of discussion on Facebook about it. Some love the excitement and the rush and are fine with missing out. Others say itā€™s unfair. Someone pointed out though that a popular mohair provider sells out within minutes and nobody complains about that. Limited objects tend to sell out fast. But that makes them more valuable.


I hear what youā€™re saying but many people buy more than one of a kit they like to paint and sell, not just to make a killing on the resale market. With every LE some people arenā€™t going to be able to get it. Somewhere along the line, Iā€™ve lost my need to snatch up a kit just because itā€™s a limited edition. Thereā€™s just too many to lose sleep over missing one. I only buy kits that challenge or really appeal to me, LE or not. There have also been kits that I really wanted, and by the time I could afford it, it wasnā€™t as appealing anymore and I no longer wanted it.


I donā€™t know exactly what I think- not enough coffee maybe. However, sometimes LE kits that sell out like this are not as hot with collectors as they are with artists. You just can never be sure. We all could have ordered as many kits as wanted of Lou Lou within the preorder time- that has not made her less desirable because collector and artist demand exceeds the demand artists anticipated when preordering. We set the edition size, Joanna didnā€™t. I just buy what I like when I can and I have missed out on many, but also have wonderful kits, more than I have time for really. I have many more clients contacting me and saying create this sculpt your way and at least half the time those sculpts are not limited editions. I used to get kind of upset when I missed out on a sculpt I wanted, but not anymore.