Benjamin Blick

Not on the prototypes. Just for Reborns listing.

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I just wanted to say ‘WTH Blick was thinking?’ :woman_shrugging:
And I don’t like feet on any of SueSue, Maggi and Benji.


Really? So it wasn’t a record fast? I wasn’t here long enough to experience all that, so it’s interesting.


Her kits always seem to be very popular.
I have only painted her Tutti… and I have SueSue here.


I didn’t know who is Mick Jagger is so I googled him
At list Mick has a normal nose :wink:


For myself I just don’t see why. I bought 2 Maggies for the same reason that everyone went crazy about Blick sculpts. Sold one, traded one - I just couldn’t bring myself to love her. Hated SueSue for her dolly look also.
I had her Sherry, and hated her for her ‘Daugh’ look on her face.

The only one who I like is Penny, but like, not love :wink: But that’s just me.


I do love the “movement” in the hands.


I nearly bought an expensive completed Tutti. I would have had to quit the hobby after that purchase. Lol
But it was just the way that particular one was reborn. I’ve seen other Tuttis and they just didn’t grab me in the same way.


Back in the day, preorders were done like this. Of course, there were many that were disappointed and even online “fights” broke out over how unfair it was that some got more than one. People crying about how they couldn’t live without that kit and yada yada. Tantrums over pieces of vinyl.:woman_shrugging: Not sure why she chose this route, but I bet it has something to do with getting the kit in the factory faster since you already know what the production number will be.


I just sold my Maggi kit yesterday. My plan was to reborn it and have as a keeper. I went back and forth on selling it. I’m sure I will regret it once my work schedule calms down.

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The first LE kit I ever purchased, in 2013, when I was still a newer artist, was Lillian Legler. She sold out in 3 minutes, I think it was, at MacPhersons. I was able to get one but then decided I didn’t like her that much and sold her. Another time, not long after that, I tried to get another LE that I liked and missed it, as it sold out in just minutes. It was a Laura Lee Eagles kit, in 2014.


I can see it with LLE, B. Brown, or J. Kazmierczak, but not with N. Blick, just not a fan of her work I guess. But what do I know? I still consider myself a newbie :wink:


Yea, I think it was Quinnlynn or Miracle that came out when I was teaching in 2014 or 2015. The preorders were at noon. No way I could be on the computer to shop when I had to take my students to lunch. Not long after that, the sculptors went to a timed preorder period. Surprisingly, there are people that still complain. You are never going to please everyone.


Is it rare for limited editions to be made for a certain length of time, the way Nino is being done for as many as they can for just a year?
Is it more common to have a decided amount instead?


Occasionally kits are done as time limited. But not often. It’s a dumb way to do it. How would they know how many to make? Truborn said Stanley Oliver would be available for a year. That was a lie. He is still available. So I bet Nino will be available longer too.


I consider that basically as an open edition
…not limited


Levi is or once was considered timed. Honestly, I think it’s time to close it. Maybe it was just me, but I thought the vinyl on my last one had more flaws than the others I have done over the last few years.
I feel that Nino may go past a year since the factories are still backed up with orders. I hope so, since I really want to reborn one later this year.


Me too. They should just be honest and say it’s open. But Truborn did that with their mystery kit club too. They were supposed to have exclusive kits available only through the club. But they all ended up being available to the public.


Available for a year might mean that’s the length of time they’ll be manufacturing them. They could still be available from distributors until they’re sold out.


I didn’t get her bc of the nose- nostrils are so obvious