Anyone pre-order Penelope by Alicia Toner?

Like I said earlier, this turmoil helped pave the way for the dealers and artists to allow longer preorders so that more could enjoy their sculpts.
Romie Strydom turned to eBay with her silis after being bullied and pestered by women that were unhappy with how she sold them on her website. Plus, some of those women were buying them from Romie for $2500 and turning around and selling them on Ebay immediately for $8000-$10000 just to make the profit. Certainly a smart business move for her, as she was able to get 10x that on Ebay for some of them. She sold $110,000 worth in one month. :open_mouth:


Oh my goodness! Sounds like some “ladies” need to go back to kindergarten and learn how to play well with others. You win some, you lose some, and some get rained out…better luck next time. If you have the foresight and the money to buy as many as are allowed then good on ya! But if you miss out, for whatever reason, better luck next time. It does sound like Black Friday bedlam. Years ago, one of my friends wanted to get a Knight Rider car for her son for Christmas. The store issued tickets and if you had a ticket you could get in line to buy the car, but having a ticket didn’t guarantee that you would actually be able to get one of them. Anyway, she had a ticket, stood in line for several hours waiting for the store to open, and when they finally were able to get inside, these women tuned into animals. Long story short, she got trampled, got her arm crushed and her watch stolen off of her crushed arm. She was a police officer (not in uniform at the time) and the crushed arm was her gun hand - her career came to an abrupt halt because the damage was too severe to repair it enough to be reliable on the street. And she DID NOT get the car. People can be so ridiculous. I love this forum because there is no drama here. You ladies are so nice and it is a joy to be a part of such a wonderful group.


What a wonderful compliment for all the ladies here on the BB forum. Thank You !

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[quote=“cajuncuties, post:71, topic:26496”]
I feel like I’m corrupting the innocent.
[/quote]LOL!! At least we’ll be able to appreciate the new sales process in a new way. Thanks for sharing! :smile:

[quote=“heartstringsnursery, post:73, topic:26496”]
Sounds like some “ladies” need to go back to kindergarten and learn how to play well with others.
[/quote] So true!

[quote=“heartstringsnursery, post:73, topic:26496”]
her career came to an abrupt halt because the damage was too severe to repair it enough to be reliable on the street. And she DID NOT get the car.
[/quote]Oh, that’s sooo sad, Bette! Wow!

[quote=“heartstringsnursery, post:73, topic:26496”]
I love this forum because there is no drama here. You ladies are so nice and it is a joy to be a part of such a wonderful group.
[/quote]I agree!!! :slight_smile:

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Best part of the whole drama I seen that was the sticker that said I’m not fat I’m FUN size :smiley:

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I understand why people really want something but at the end of the day, it’s still just “stuff”. Agreed. Better luck next time. No reason to be overrun with greed.



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Drama always brings in new members. It’s “funny” to see how many new members join in the midst of controversy.
Grab the popcorn…
More on Livia

Ever wondered why we have DEDS(now ROSE) and IDS?

Dang need a full popcorn stand to get through all that :confounded: I think it is sad honestly. In that forum best to stay a lurker lol could get cyber beat up if you join into that mess.


I can be real passionate about things I believe in and will admit to riding the “crazy train” a few times. It’s so easy to be sucked into drama like that. :pensive:
I have noticed that anywhere there are large groups of women, there will be differences and jealousy. Just too many hormones. The full moon doesn’t help, either…lol Teachers are just as bad. I’ve worked with many who will claw your eyes out if you have a better bulletin board than they do. It’s very cliquey.


Mine is Gemini…sign of the twins. Hubby will tell you that I have two people living in me…lol

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Quite a few artists are finding that the front loading body is not the right one for Penelope’s legs. The body makes her legs look a big awkward. Some of us are wondering if the wrong body was accidentally sent with the kits.

My son was almost 10 pounds and could wear some 0-3 month clothes when he was born. So, some newborns are quite huge. :smiley:

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Do we know if Alicia has been contacted about the body issue?

I just opened the box (been on vacation ) and that body won’t work well at all. With all the complaints, I wonder if Alicia has been contacted?

I still have not received anything on my Penelope! I ordered thru MacPhersons so maybe this week?

Yes, she has been notified. No word on if she plans on sending out replacements.

You should call them.

I actually saw a photo of the kit on the body and it looks fine. I think the hip will be a bad look if a side mount is used. They will stick out too far. The sculptor erred in the sculpting.

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When those zip ties are tightened, her legs are going to fold over onto themselves. She may need a fuller body with the side load because of her thick hips and thighs.