Anyone pre-order Penelope by Alicia Toner?

Pia, I totally agree with you. I thought that about the legs when everyone was complaining about the front load. I don’t think they are actually front load they are a little on the side and I thought to myself what is everyone thinking, If they are too sideways her legs will stick out way too far. You are right, looks kind of like a little flaw in design. I’m sure when she is dressed she will be fine. As far as her legs crossing over each other, maybe she was made to be that way. We might just have to cope.

I’ll have to wait and see how much they cross and then decide if I need another one. Side load bodies are not completely on the sides. They still angle a bit in the front with only a portion of the back hip lined with the seam. I don’t want the legs so crossed that it’s too difficult to dress and the possibility of the leg or zip tie coming loose or breaking in the struggle.

My Jayden by Natalie Scholl has crossed legs like that, but I don’t find it an issue when dressing. I think it’s cute how they curl up together like a newborn. Is Penelope different than what I’m thinking of?n

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I like how the legs cross over, too! Very newborn-looking.

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Most of LLE’s kits have the tucked up legs. You can see on my Miracle(who has full legs~front load body) how bent they are, but they aren’t unnaturally crossed. Her body is similar to Penelope’s, but a different fabric. I just think that because of Penelope’s full caps that the legs need to go back to the sides about an 1" to keep the legs from folding up on each other so harshly. In her legs only crossed that bit as in the pic, I wouldn’t have a problem. However, you can see the flange in the last pic, so when that zip tie is tightened, it’s going to pull that left leg against the right one, limiting posing. One leg will always have to be up in the air.


You can see here on Sawyer that he has capped full legs, but is able to carry off a front load body. His legs are tucked hard, but he doesn’t look unnatural and can be easily posed.

It may just be a badly sculpted leg. Either way(leg or body), I don’t like it as it is.

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I got mine from them

Aww I think it is too late for me to get one…I think it says sold out. Guess I will have to keep my eyes open better next time. Lol just as well spent my dolly dollars until I sell more babies.

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I just received mine yesterday from Macphersons. Wednesday.

Got her from TruBorns over two weeks ago! I think Brenda may be having some issues! I have seen this kit on the supplied body and it actually works well! I will use it when I get around to painting her.

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Received mine order yesterday from MacPhersons :slight_smile: I think Penelope is LOVELY!! A bit larger than I though she would be, very pleased with her, the body I received with her looks to fit her fine too :smile:

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Pia, I have heard lots of people saying this is the wrong body that it’s a front load leg but mine looks fine, The leg holes are on a bit of a slant and I think they will be perfect. Hope so. I’m going to use it anyway,

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I like the way her legs sit with the body provided.

I have also heard many complaints (before they tried the supplied body) about the leg placement - the problem is that the hips are sculpted to really stick out prominently when used on a side-load body. My reborn friends that have tried the body that was sent with the kit feel it works well! So the recommendation is that before you order a new body, give the other a chance. On another note, I have been told that the body for Anastasia Auer is NOT a nice body (blinkin and nod type joints) and I am happy to have NOT ordered the body with my kits.

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If a body is included then that’s fine but I don’t normally order the body, I would rather order from Carmen. I just recently tried the custom bodies from C and I love them, I will definitely continue to order from her.

Just a note that Carmen is not taking new orders for a week and will not be making bodies for anyone that has not ordered in 6 months. She has been sewing 8-10 hours a day and it is robbing her of “joy” and time with her family.

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