Anyone pre-order Penelope by Alicia Toner?

It definitely looks like Lynn used the front load body on the one in the auction. That causes the legs to cross into each other. You can also see that using that body will make the fabric curve in…not allowing for a true full leg look. Notice how she has pulled the clothing down and placed a blanket to cover it. She really should know better since she has been reborning all these years. I would be a bit miffed if I paid $1200 for a doll that wasn’t constructed properly.


Yep…some babies are larger! My baby sister weighed 10 lbs., 4 oz. and had a 15 inch head and my mom had her natural…needless to say she was the last one. The first weighed 7 lbs, 12 oz., the second (me) was 9 lbs., 9 oz., and with little sister weighing in at that size, she was afraid of how big another one might be. :anguished: My one and only was 8 lbs., 3 oz. and 23 inches long with a 14.5" head…c-section for me.


The body she comes with isnt the right one?

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My doc was planning a section w her but she was on vaca and her partner didnt want to do one. My other 2 kids were sections :slight_smile: love this kit!

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No. We’re hoping that Alicia will make this right.

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I’m sure you will able to find one on the secondary market soon. Once it is realized that she is bigger than what was posted, they will sell the kits. Most of those that root don’t like the bigger babies. Plus, there are reborners that just like the smaller ones.


Right after there’s a kit released there seems to be a “wave” of reborns and kits up for sale all at the same time. And then after that, the new hot kit comes out and nobody ever talks about it anymore.


So true, Izzy. It is sometimes a gamble, though, to wait. You can often tell how well a kit will do by the comments(or lack of) on the prototypes.


It really is. I remember everyone thought Lillian Legler was going to be a hit but just the other day I saw one on eBay for $80 with no takers.

I think everyone was still hyped over Livia when she came out. If you weren’t around to witness that cat fight, you missed a good one…lol


Ha nope I remember that one…and a bunch of LLE’s kits too. :no_mouth:

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Sharlamae Brown, too


That’s one of the reasons why I really hesitate joining Doll-fan and Facebook. Actually I have a FB but I haven’t set up a page or anything. It’s strictly for messaging artists, etc. when I can’t find any other contact info. :slight_smile:

After those major fights, most of the artists started the multi day preorders to set the edition numbers. It still amazes me, though, how many still miss them.

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Have you ever seen people fighting on Black Friday? That is pretty much how it is. It’s all verbal, though. I will see if I can pull up some posts later for you.


I wanna see that too. What is there to fight over? That is hysterical!!! Please post some of the “fights”. :laughing:


Getting popcorn ! :wink:


Just a few searches on doll-fan should get you some drama stuff. It’s crazy lemme tell ya. Five year olds know better than to do some of the things these ladies do! Good thing there’s a computer screen between them or the police would seriously have to get involved lol.

I felt the worst for the sculptors. Getting these awful, nasty messages sent to them just because someone missed out on a few pieces of vinyl.


It doesn’t sound like they were acting like ladies at all. :imp:


I feel like I’m corrupting the innocent.
Livia definitely caused the biggest stink that I can remember.