Anyone pre-order Penelope by Alicia Toner?

My Penelopes are on their way. :grinning:

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Please let us know what she looks like when you get her. Iā€™m having a hard time containing my excitement over this doll. Iā€™m glad to know someone else hasnā€™t had any updates on their order because I was beginning to worry.

I sent macpherson an email today no word yet just says processing

@lynn I ordered my sculpt thru MacPhersons also, paid in full :worried:

Penelope is here. Mine is 601/665. That is a small batch, isnā€™t it?


Iā€™m patiently waiting, still nothing here :frowning:

Got a reply from Macpherson they said she just arrived with COA , they will start shipping as soon as they are inspected.

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Thanks love seeing unpainted kit pics!

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I received mine today from DALD. She has really great detailing. Warning to rootersā€¦this a big baby with a big head. Love the full limbs, especially for this season. A sleeper, too. Iā€™m so sick of struggling with eyes. I received COA#550 and 551.


Mine should be here tomorrow I ordered from dream a little dream also :slight_smile: Lorraine is awesome!!! I ended up grabbing some mg fx air dry from her also canā€™t wait to get it an the kit. She is adorable.

She also has a little tongue in her open mouth. Too cute!


@Angel Thanks for the update!! Guess I wonā€™t get my hopes up for having her here by the weekend, just something to look forward to next week maybe :joy:

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I got mine yesterday - I am loving her. Her full arms give the option of sleeveless outfits which is great. I love the full leg, but I am curious to see how that fits her front loading body when finished. It was a small order and mine was 591 0f 665.

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Cant wait to see them all! Missed out. Sheā€™s adorable.

Sheā€™s definitely on the larger size. Great for us mommies that didnā€™t have those 19-20" 5lbs babies. :grinning:

Not sure I would list her at 23". With her bent legs, Iā€™m only getting about 20.5"~stretched, I would say 22". Disappointing to see that this is the wrong body for her. Shame on the person that she commissioned. They should have asked whether she had the full caps. She will need a side-load full leg. I can always use these for another babyā€¦I hope. Very frustrating to spend more money, though, on a custom body. :angry:

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It will be nice to be able to use the Carterā€™s 3m clothing that I have on her.

Size may not be too far off. As you say, some babies are born bigger. My oldest was 22 1/4" 8lbs and a 14, yes 14, inch head at birth, ouch.

OUCH!!! :open_mouth:


Thankfully, I had a C-Section.