6 weeks šŸ‘¶

Or this?


You canā€™t tell ā€¦ But it goes really fast!!! Lolol

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Oh my Gosh!!! I am laughing so hard. is that you???


Yup! Iā€™m a dare devil!:smiling_imp:

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My husband rides the carts at Costco all the time. Heā€™s 56! People look at him strangely, but then they usually smile. i think they wish they were doing it!


Itā€™s great until it tips!! Lololol

Nikki, you are hilarious. I canā€™t help but keep checking to see what you are up to. Camel racing and shopping cart joy riding! I seriously need to keep my mind on work. Back to printing invoices! Yuck!

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So Nikki, do you have any cravings yet? Mine were jack-in-the-box tacos (ew!) and orange sherbet (sickly sweet). Also, with my last baby i suddenly became afraid of heights which i never was before, and it has stayed with me. I cannot climb a ladder for the life of me. My feet just wonā€™t go. The funny thing is that that daughter is also afraid of heights.

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Umm NO :expressionless: < shaking head none of that, go for a pregnancy massage instead more relaxing! Tell hubby you need at least 2 a week. DR Angels orders :mask:


I want to eat coconuts! And jalapeƱos! Lololol I am loving my chobani coconut Greek!!! Weird is the things I love the most are gross to me! Like wine and coffee! Just do not want it! Ohā€¦ And I want to drink a bottle of A-1 sauce. Which I donā€™t haveā€¦ Because I donā€™t like it! Lololol

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Iā€™m still fearlessā€¦ Maybe a phobia or 2 would do me good? :smiley::heart:ļø

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Lololololol Iā€™ll try it but heā€™s kind of mean! :scream:Lololol not really but he will say he will do the massagesā€¦ Nice, but not the same!

Donā€™t get fired!!! Lololol kidding! I think we should have a reborning TV show!!! :smiley::smiley::smiley:

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Iā€™m a Yoga instructor and Yoga is NOT ok during the first trimester even if youā€™ve been doing it regularly.

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Really? Why is that?

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I think with your past history you should do no exercise until you have seen a Doctor.Oh ya or anything daredevil :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:


The first trimester is the most high-risk time for miscarriage. Inversions, twists, folds, etc can be quite difficult for baby while mom feels perfectly fine. Itā€™s wayyy too easy to do more than the little one can take. Precaution is the best method here.

Starting with the second trimester, baby is more safe and secure so SOME yoga can be done. Itā€™s important you take a specific Prenatal Yoga class so the proper pose modifications are done. You can do GENTLE twists but NO inversions. Cat/cow is a wonderful way to relieve lower back pain and soothe baby. It can also be used before delivery to help the baby turn. Hot Yoga is to be avoided throughout the entire pregnancy as it can cause the baby to overheat and can cause miscarriage.

Having said all that, there are some hard-headed people that do what they want, including Hot Yoga. I like to err on the side of precaution. I always tell my students that this is a short time period where EVERYTHING is about nurturing the growing baby and to consider how they would feel if their need to have an intense yoga workout caused them to lose the baby.


Nikki, you can check the old fashioned yellow pages or the online listings and ask at ob/gyn offices by phone if they have anyone who specializes in high risk pregnancies (if you are high risk). If you donā€™t mind my asking, were you told you were high risk? A lot of ladies have a miscarriage and are still not considered high risk. A regular ob/gyn can help you if you arenā€™t. If you have a specific problem you know about you can tell the receptionist at the office you call and they can put you at higher priority and see you faster.

I would lay off the exercise until you talk to the doctor. Exercise is good for ā€œnormalā€ women who are pg (in moderation) but my doc wouldnā€™t even let me walk further than the bathroom. Bedrest and I asked about doing some small exercises in bed to prevent muscle loss but she forbid it. I was weak muscle wise when I finally had the baby (I remember the milk 1/2 gallon felt like a tonne) but I soon got my strength back lifting an 8 lbs. babe! :smile:

Regarding the allergies: I understand! I had some big time reactions from not taking my Claritin. Even my tongue itched when I sneezed! You can use saline rinses to get the pollen out of your nose and sinuses. NeilMed sinus rinse in the squeeze bottle is my favorite but it takes some getting used to. It really cleans out the sinuses. You can use eye drops if they bother you. Saline is safe for sure, but might not be enough. The pharmacist can help you on that one if your eyes are an issue. There was one my eye doctor recommended that I like called Similisan but I donā€™t know if it is safe during pg. It is natural, but that doesnā€™t always mean safe.


I absolutely agree with Amy, I use to be an aerobics instructor and I will tell you that you want to be careful the first 3 - 4 months. Not saying donā€™t do anything but I would seriously consider dropping back. Your doc should be able to tell you what you should and shouldnā€™t doā€¦Since you have had problems previously, I definitely would be very careful for the first little while anywayā€¦till they see how you are going to goā€¦


Nikki donā€™t do this, that is scary to even look at in a picture.:grin::grin::grin: