6 weeks šŸ‘¶

Is that you Cali!!! I was actually planning on a sky dive!!! It will have to wait. @AmyR777 - good to know! Thank you! I never knew thisā€¦ And I have been doing yoga my whole life.


Yes, good. Because I havenā€™t been doing anything Except wearing out my couchšŸ˜³. @bebeā€¦ The beans just donā€™t stay in! So, yes I need to be carefulā€¦ Maybe I did 2 much yoga and camel racing? Lol and I love the nelli med!!! Lolol I forgot all about it! Iā€™ll have to dig it out. My dad used to hate it, he would sayā€¦ Nichole, ā€¦ Gross. Lmaolmao


Depending on when youā€™re due i nicknamed mine. I hated calling a baby it until we found out the gender. My oldest was november so she was my punkinā€™, my middle was april so she was my snuggle bunny, my youngest was march so lucky duck. :wink: just an idea


Abc, I AM. A Michigan girl trapped in north Mexico! Actually south Texas, I am 15 minutes from the border wall! If you watch border wArs on TV and look closelyā€¦ You will see me waving!!! :grin::flushed::wink:I grew up in northville Michigan. My brother went to U of M and I always went sking in Brighton:-) then I moved to Manhattan beach California for school. Loved itā€¦ But missed Michigan. Itā€™s unfortunate I ended up here! NOONE will ever come visit me! No one, ever!! I always have to go to them. I thought south padre being close would be a drawā€¦ But itā€™s not! Lololol


No deep tissue massage, either. Itā€™s been a while, but the school I was in (I was a certified massage tech a long time ago) recommended no massage for the first 12 weeks, then you can go for prenatal massage after that by someone trained specifically in the technique. Make sure they are certified in massage therapy. They know what they can and canā€™t do and how to place your body not to hurt you as you get larger.
Honestly, I donā€™t think your husband giving you a gentle head rub will cause you to miscarry, but Iā€™m no longer certified (by choice, I didnā€™t lose my license, my health wonā€™t permit me to do this as a job). So that is just my personal opinion. I wouldnā€™t go for a true full body massage. Whatever you do, avoid massaging the ankle area. There is an area in the back of the bone there that supposedly can trigger contractions (although Iā€™ve never witnessed it). Once they tell you to stay away from there you tend to remember it.

Gosh, I feel like Iā€™m going to scare you for nothing. I just wanted to let you know what I was taught at the time.

Enjoy this timeā€¦ itā€™s a wonderful time you wonā€™t forget. It is truly miraculous.


What is April? How about showers? :heart:ļø

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How about Spring? Or little bunny? (Easter) play on words on bun in the ovenā€¦


Iā€™m still in a phase where I am guarding my boobs and belly!!! I think I would be 2 afraid to get a massage until we are out of the woods!


I love it!!! My little bunny!!! Awwwww!!! Awwww!!! Thatā€™s soooooo cute!!! Who doesnā€™t love little bunny??? Awwwww! I canā€™t stop writing awwwwww Lolol


They didnā€™t tell you why they think they donā€™t stay? If itā€™s the first 3 months, my girlfriendā€™s doc told her it tends to be there was a genetic defect in the baby and the body miscarries, which may be true in general. I know when I almost lost my son it was because of a placental hematoma which was caused by my clotting disorder. Sometimes losses later in pg can be caused by incompetent cervix. If it has happened to you repeatedly and you donā€™t know why, you might want to look for the high risk ob/gyn. But donā€™t give up hope: even though I had 4 early losses, and that placental hematoma with my son, he is here and it was totally worth it!

I will keep praying for you. Take good care of yourself. Gentle hugsā€¦


Itā€™s a cervix thingā€¦ But after the last timeā€¦ They think they fixed me! I havenā€™t been pregs sinceā€¦ Until now!!! :tada::tada::tada::tada::tada::smiley::heart:ļø


Massaging/touching the shoulders can also trigger contractions. As a yoga instructor, I had to constantly remember to NOT touch/caress shoulders while in the prenatal class. Itā€™s such a natural place to touch someone, though.

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Okay, I vote for looking up a high risk obgyn asap! Just to be on the safe side.


Wow, good to know, Amy. Any specific muscle group/area, or just avoid the whole thing in general? I never heard about this one before. But Iā€™m old and my massage courses were eons ago (97). Back in 97, Iā€™m not 97. :laughing:

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What do you mean ā€œthey fixed meā€? I have heard of cervixes being sewn shut with a type of stitch to support an incompetent cervix but that is done during the pregnancy each time and removed. You might want to contact your former ob/gyn to get your files ASAP so you can show it to the new doc.


I do toā€‹:heart_eyes::heart:ļø:heart_eyes::heart:ļø:heart_eyes:

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That bit of info came from my acupuncture doctor. Itā€™s a point they treat to induce labor.

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Iā€™m getting a bubble to live in! I am looking up docs right now and having my records shipped overšŸ˜ƒ


OH! Learn something new every day. I would guess a shoulder touch/rub wouldnā€™t be as stimulating as acupuncture, but when dealing with repeated loss, better to be safe than sorry.

Seriously, there are a lot of women out there than have gone through a lot worse than ankle or shoulder rubs and everything was fine (car accidents, falls, etc.), but when we are more susceptible to loss, it is good to be careful.

If you are into yoga, Nikki, you can still do deep breathing. Lie down and place your hands on your tummy. Breathe in for a count of 5 through your nose, breathe out for a count of 5 through your mouth. Repeat until you feel calm, which a jumpy gal like yourself needs! Might be a nice way of starting your little lie down periods, so you can calm yourself down enough to enjoy the rest.


Glad you like it! :smile: Could be shortened to ā€œlittle bunā€ or ā€œbunā€ if youā€™re in a hurry. Which I guess happens a lot with youā€¦ :wink:

We used ā€œlittle oneā€ until we found out it was a boy (which I already felt in my heart). Then we changed to ā€œlittle guyā€.