6 weeks šŸ‘¶

Considering I have nowhere to sell my babies, I canā€™t. Iā€™ll go to ROSE eventually. But not this year.
My mom said I have to pay for everything in order to go and I canā€™t do that. Itā€™s way too much money. In order to even have a chance at saving up enough Iā€™d have to stop reborning completely. And if I did that Iā€™d have no reason to even go to ROSE at all.

Iā€™m late but my good wishes for you and the baby just keep bubbling up. I am so happy for you. Do you think your thoughts about Luna made this happen? Oh, maybe it is more the lipstick and high heels?

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The forum had a baby shower for Katie when she was almost ready to deliver Willow Flower! A date was set for the gifts to have arrived at Katieā€™s house and then she got to open them and post photos of who sent what gifts! It was fun and several BB forum members sent gifts to @katieperry!


Awe Nikki!! How wonderful!! Love this news. Will keep you in my prayers sweetie for a healthy baby and pregnancy. And no matter whatā€¦we are all here for you.

@pia that is a marvelous idea!!! Everyone here is so dang awesome!

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Trust me you wont need any booksā€¦ You will be able to read your babyā€¦ Seriously you will learn to distinguish between all the different cries. I have 3 kids my oldest is 18 my middle is 16 and my youngest is gonna be 13 in october. So i have been right where you are now. You will be a great mama!!! :smiley:


I love the idea of a baby shower for Nikkiā€¦ Possibly once we all including mama herself knows what she is having we can start sending stuff.


I think you should find out. I wanted to find out with baby 2 and 3 but they wouldnt cooperate. Baby 2 i found out 2 weeks before he was born. Baby 3 i found out the day she was born. And my first one i knew he was a boy and i wanted to see if i was right. And i wasā€¦ Lol


Congratulations :blush::blush:

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I loved knowing! I found out with both my boys.

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I think this is a great idea pick a date and time packages to be there in advance and as she is opening we can all be online and she can post pictures.:heart:ļø:heart_eyes::heart:ļø:heart_eyes::heart:ļø


I wish there was a way that we could do it live, like see each other through the computer!


Thereā€™s my girl!!! HIIIIIII CALI!!! :heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø

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Nickiiiiiiiiii!!! Congratulations!!! :smile:

I canā€™t believe I didnā€™t see this post yesterday. I checked BB a few times, too. (Checks computer to see if it is damaged). Humph!

Here comes the unsolicited advice, please skip the next few paragraphs if you arenā€™t interested:

IF you arenā€™t already taking them, get a good prenatal vitamin. Itā€™s important. Here in Canada they recommend Materna but ask your pharmacist for help. Try to rest during the day when you can. Lie down for a while in the AM and PM.

I know you mentioned having difficulties in the past. If you feel you need it, there are ob/gyn that specialize in high risk pregnancies, depending on the size of your city/area. It really depends on your case. You may not need one, but I thought Iā€™d mention it.

I did have one for my son but I have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, was insulin resistant (not diabetic), and found out after I had my son that I also have Factor 5 Leiden which is a blood clotting disorder and can affect blood flow to the fetus. I just thought Iā€™d mention the specialist in case you need one. Some people arenā€™t aware there are doctors that just do the high risk pregnancies.

I was on bedrest for most of the pregnancy. In the end, the doctor decided to induce the day I was supposed to be due because she wanted him out immediately after he was fully baked to be safe. PCOS can make the uterine environment not ideal. So the irony was after spending almost all of 8 months or so in bed to keep him in, I ended up having medication to get him out!!! :laughing: The things us women go through!!!

I will pray for you and your baby. Wishing you both the best of health and lots of happiness. And daddy too!

And by the way, we can accept that your sister will be godmother, but can we all be honorary godmothers??? Or perhaps like the cartoon my son watches ā€œFairy Godparentsā€! :grinning:

Looking forward to seeing this little bean!!! :baby:


HI BEBE!!! I am taking a pre natal! I was for a while just in caseā€‹:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø I will find a specialist, I just moved to this town so I am trying to research on the computer because I donā€™t know anyone to ask for referrals. I am not sure if I should keep exercising, so Iā€™m not jumbling anything around. I sneeze super hard with allergies and I am afraid to dislodge my bean. I canā€™t take allergy pills nowā€¦ Lucky I am a healthy eater. I wonder if yoga is ok? Iā€™m ramblingā€¦ Oh!!! YES! I always wanted a fairy godmother!!! And my peanut will have the cream of the crop! All my wishes are coming true! Thanks fairy godmothers!!!:angel:t3:


Wow Nikki! Look how popular you are. You should never feel lonely again! Sure, weā€™re just cyber friends, but we are all real people and we all love you as if you lived next door. i want to caution you to slow down just a little bitā€¦donā€™t overtax yourself. i know you are kind of hyper but good rest is important for the baby. Let someone else host the bar-b-ques for awhile. and get plenty of sleep. i know you eat healthily so thatā€™s not a problem. Iā€™m praying for you everyday and for your little ā€œpeanutā€. :wink:


Best to ask the doctor, but I have heard that whatever exercise you do before pregnancy is good to continue during pregnancy. Just donā€™t start something new. I imagine yoga is great, since I have seen yoga for pregnant women specifically.

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Thank you Helen! You are way more than cyber friends! I feel like if we all were in a room together it would be like a bunch of old friends having a reunion!!! Like we have all known each other forever! I am trying to relaxā€¦ I told my husband I canā€™t clean or do laundry anymoreā€¦ Lololol but, nothing will get me out of the kitchen. Except cleaning it!! Lolololll. :grin::grin::+1:t2::heart:ļø:smiley::heart:ļø


I love my yoga!!! Lol I guess I shouldnā€™t take up jogging! ( not that that would ever happen, but now I found an excuse) :wink:

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What i was told was anything that you do regularly is okay in moderation, but donā€™t take up new things right now. Of course that was the advice 20 years ago. That could have changed.

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So prob none of this?