6 weeks šŸ‘¶

Yep fear sure online baby shower FANTASTIC idea , Iā€™m in !


Iā€™m from Michigan!!! You all are seriously too sweet:-) my husband says he just sees me smiling at my phone all night :smiley::heart:ļø:smiley::heart:ļø he is smiling at the tv- shark tank is on! Lolol


Dang fingers I meant for sure!


And youā€™ll definitely get a custom made birth announcement from me! Maybe an outfit for the little one too!


Wow! I donā€™t even know what to say!! I wish you all could just come over! I am going to need help with this! I bought 5 books todayā€¦ But itā€™s not the same as advice from people you love! :heart:ļø


Weā€™ll always be here Nikki! If you have any questions Iā€™m sure that everyone would love to help out!


Are u telling me I am going to get dumber?!? G R E A T !:wink:


Nikki, I dont think I told you! I am going to be a midwife when I become an adult, and I know basically all there is to know about pregnancy and birth! Iā€™ll PM you! :smile: I hope I can help!


Lololol super duper!! Lololol

Iā€™m sure we ALL have already been there done that or going through it, you have all the help you need lil momma right at your finger tips lol!

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Thank god for you ALL!!! :heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø

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I started to suggest a baby shower too but wasnā€™t sure how all the ladies would feel about itā€¦donā€™t want others feeling left out, etcā€¦I will say that unlike lots of other ladies on this forum who have had babies recently, Nikki doesnā€™t have any family close or heaps of friends where she lives because of the ā€œlanguage barrierā€ so it would be nice to be her ā€˜family and friendsā€™ and do a baby shower for herā€¦no one is obligated but wouldnā€™t it be so fun for her (and the post office there) to have heaps of parcels arriving?..heeheeā€¦ :smile:

Nikki, Are you going to find out whether it is a boy or girl when the time comes or are you just going to wait till the end?


Thank you Starr:-) itā€™s true, I have no friends here!! But I used to when I lived in Michigan and California!!! Lololol itā€™s hard to adjust to being alone., my hubby works ALOTā€¦ I was always sad, and thenā€¦ I found you guys! Now Iā€™m really happy Lololol :smiley::heart:ļø:smiley::smiley:


Should I find out??? I will take whatever I get! Lololololol maybe we should vote on that!!! :laughing:

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Wouldnā€™t that be AWESOME!..heehee :wink:

TOTALLY!ā€™ I would be in HEAVEN!ā€™ :heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø

Ditto on one of each would be great! :baby:t3::baby:t3: < 2 babies not boobs :no_mouth:


Lolol BOOBS! Hahahaha

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Pray for twins!!! Oh my, that would be AMAZING!!!

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DC itā€™s time to start charging more for your babies so you can go to the ROSE show.