6 weeks šŸ‘¶

Omgosh Nikki mine were KILLING me with my last kiddo. And the bottoms of my feet were on fire with all three. I used to lay in bed with my feet against the cool walls lol. Hugs. The boob thing stopped about the time nausea did 14/15 wks. Just a tip of you get gaggy chew mint gum. Made a HUGE difference for me. Also if you get gaggy AVOID THE POULTRY ISLE lol. I remember running to the bathroom at walmart once and barely making it to puke bc i walked yhroufh the meat dept got gaggy anytime even said the word chicken haha.


Ohhh i like that name!

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Ugh, the thought of the isle even is yucky! Now I love BRIARPATCH NURSERY!! What a great idea!!! Yes, Jean is the best! I love her!!! Weird Starr because I wanted a B name!!!

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I canā€™t wear a bra, itā€™s not the whole boobā€¦ Just the nipples. Is that normal? Also fatigue and sneezing super hard a zillion times a dayā€¦ Thatā€™s it so farā€¦


Yup. Youā€™re definitely pregnant lol

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With my kids i was tired all the time. Kept almost dozing off etc.especially in the beginning. Sneezing is probably allergies but since you cant take anythingā€¦ And yeah, theyre gonna be sore. You might try a sports bra. That actually kind of helped me. Its the rush of hormones gping crazy that causes it. Iā€™m putting my guess in now for girl :wink:


Really!!! Oh boyā€¦ Hubby wants a boy! Iā€™ll take one of each!!! :rabbit::rabbit: awww BUNNIES! Lololll

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Love that name! Briar Patch Babies.

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That one is definitely the one!:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss: so excited!!! THANK YOU SUPERSTARR!!:star2::star2::star2::star2::star2:


Hubbys always want a boy until they have a baby girl that wraps them around their little finger. I also really like Briar Patch Babies and it will bump you toward the top of the nursery list on reborns.com. Double good.


Iā€™m going to wait and make business card until I can use my own picture with Jeanā€™s creatio

There is a Briar patch Baby on Facebook - Briar Patch Baby, and a Briar Patch Nursery doing reborns -Briar Patch Baby. I donā€™t know if the name can still be used. I hope you can use it - I really like it. There is also a site listed as Briar Patch Hedgehogs, but that is something altogether different! :smile:

Shoot. Geez oh Peteā€™s:-( but thank you!! :smiley::weary::weary::weary:

Okay, then. How about Briar Patch Babies (plural), Briar Patch Kids, Briar Patch Kids Reborns, or Briar Patch Kids Nursery?

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Briar patch babies!!! :heart:ļø thank you Jean!!!

I just changed it on Facebook and reborns:-)

I donā€™t do facebook so never saw anyone with the name + probably because I had already suggested the Briar Patch Babies (Plural) Nursery (see original post)ā€¦there was a Briar Patch Baby (singular) that I just found but it looked like they sold some baby items but no Reborn dolls that I saw??? Anyway Nikki, You are very welcome and I am very honoured that you liked the nameā€¦Canā€™t wait to see your little mascot and website/facebook etc when you get it up and runningā€¦and will be sooooo exciting when your own little bunny arrives and you can do photosā€¦ :smile:


Wow, am I late in congratulating you. What wonderful news. A baby is such a precious gift and I am so happy for you and your husband. I love the idea of a cyber shower.


Thank you patty!!! :heart:ļø:heart:ļø

So very pleased and excited for you. Will pray for you, hope all goes well.

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