6 weeks šŸ‘¶

Thank you Julie!!! :heart:ļø all your thoughts and prayers mean so much to me:-)

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With my post, you will be 3 posts shy of 300!


Congratulations!!! :two_hearts: I am new to reborning but an old pro at high risk pregnancy so if you ever have any questions let me know.

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Here is 300 for you @Nikkiroc, hoping you have a FABULOUS Friday!


300 for my bunny! I sure love and appreciate all of you! We are happy and healthyā€¦ And going to to the doc next week for 8 week check. You know I will reportā€‹:heart:ļø:rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::rabbit::heart:ļø

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What is weirdā€¦ Thoughā€¦ My stomach. I canā€™t possibly be showing yet. Butā€¦ Should I post a picture? I donā€™t know if Iā€™m bloated? Usuallyā€¦ My stomach is flat. Not any moreā€¦ Could it be my new sloth lifestyle mixed with full fat ice cream? ( I usually eat fat free, but the doc said I need to incorporate full fat dairy) oh! Maybe thatā€™s why Iā€™m bloated! Lol :flushed:


Soā€¦ I took a picture yesterday and mistakenly sent it to my hubby. He gets home from work, puts his cell phone down and there I amā€¦ A screensaver! Agggg! Hell no Paul! Get that off of there!!! You know how many people see your phone? Plus I just woke up from a nap and didnā€™t washy hair! Ok ok, Iā€™ll take it off he saysā€¦ One hour later, it ringsā€¦ There I am! Well, kinda ā€¦ He cut off my head and now it just my stomach :grin::flushed::speak_no_evil::wink:


I would take it as a compliment that he wants your lilā€™ bunny baby bump on his phone for all to see!


I guess! But itā€™s my naked stomach!!! Lololol I guess Iā€™m not used to that yet! :flushed:


Oh, youā€™ll get used to that REAL quick! Your stomachā€™s never had as much exposure as it will in the next 7 months.


Ggggggrrrrrreeeeaaatttttt!!! Lololol

You probably arenā€™t showing yet, but soon, soon, soon! I canā€™t wait. You are going to be so cute. I think pregnant women are just beautiful! They often look so serene and softened somehow. I used to be able to freak people out at my work because i would tell the girls when they were preggers before their doctors did. i can tell by looking at the bridge of the nose. It gets a stretched look. Check it out Nikki and see if Iā€™m right?


We want belly pics, we want belly picsā€‹:rabbit::rabbit2::rabbit::rabbit2::rabbit: Pleaseā€‹:heart_eyes::heart:ļø:heart_eyes::heart:ļø:heart_eyes::heart:ļø


Okā€¦ Here is a pic. :grin:

I think Iā€™m just bloatedā€¦ But I swear, I looked good in a bikini 2 weeks ago!!!


Okā€¦ Iā€™ll look!

All is see is how haggard I look!:scream:

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All is see is how haggard I look!:scream:

LOL, I might be the only one that has ever seen that particular sign of pregnancy but it has been very accurate.

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Iā€™ll send you a pic of my face! In a pm! Lol

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Looks like a baby bump to me!