Tracking BB packages

You will feel a little better after some sleep!

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I am so sorry this happened to you.

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Yes, I’m feeling a little better. My daughter woke up and was so excited about her Emmy kit, that I had no choice but to be excited with her lol. I was going to surprise her for Easter with the kit, but she helped me keep a watch for the mail lady yesterday and wanted to open the box.
I was woken up this morning by her coming in my room and taking the kit out because she wanted to start it. Lol. I have no idea how to paint a toddler though. Looks like I’ll need a lot of coffee this morning. Lol


Oh, how exciting! Did you show her tye video with real Emmy on her Birthday?

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Did you see this? Tessa by Didy Jacobsen

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Yes, I did! She was so thrilled! She thought the real Emmy was the cutest little girl ever. Lol. We bought the cutest little outfit for her today. Olivia just doesn’t know it’s going to be a while before I can paint her. Lol.


Omg!!! This is the first time I see this kit! How adorable!! I love her!!

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I bet she will be a part of the family. Didn’t you said you have 4 girls?

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I have three. I am the 4th. Lol.

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So this is why I didn’t get my emails from BB saying my orders were out for delivery. They went to my junk email. Ugh!! I just fixed that.


Did you call the post office and find out where they left your packages??

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Yes I did. I finally spoke to an actual person at our post office this morning. He said he called me Saturday after getting my claim, but I must have missed his call.
My regular mail lady hasn’t been in since the 14th. He said he called her Saturday to ask about my packages and he was waiting to hear back from her. He said he was going to definitely find out what she did with them though.
But if she says she dropped them off at my house, that’s that and I’ll never know.

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Omg!!! Look what the mail lady just brought to my house!!! They were delivered to the wrong house!! I’m soooooooo excited!!!


OMG YAAAAAAAAY! I got excited just seeing this picture!


And I just reordered most of this stuff today! :woman_facepalming:t2::woman_facepalming:t2:
But I’m so happy I got @dinokc’s stuff!!!


Setting up security cameras will definitely help. If you can’t afford them right now, then make up a sign that says you have them. It could deter a potential thief if they think you have a camera.

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I started screaming!!! Lol. And the people that got the boxes didn’t even open them!


That’s probably a good thing LOL!


Hahaha. IKR!


OMG, I am so relieved, an so very happy!!!:dancer::dancer::dancer: