REPLY HERE to be ENTERED into the Bountiful Baby Realborn Give-A-Way Drawing!

I would like a Realborn reborn as it would be a dream come true. Their realism, and detail is the perfect tribute to any baby, and to have one would be an honour. Bountiful baby continues to astound me with their amazing choices, and variety of sculpts.

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I would love to win, even if I don’t, I’m buying,
I had already ask to be emailed when kits are in stock.
Can’t wait to see and work on these kits.

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who wouldnt jump at the chance to help a real baby come to life?! I want to be one of the first what a gift! My birthday happens to be September 12th…so it would be a gift for me too!

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I love these kits! They are so realistic and sheer perfection. I can’t wait until they’re available to order. I’d love to win one, but will definitely be buying a few of Sleeping Presley :smiley:

Well first off winning anything is a great thing. But when its a limited edition RealBorn Baby. The honor that comes with that is so High… it’s emotional bliss! I have been following your production line, watching and waiting for you to post a picture of these beautiful unique line of Reborning. This will change the industry tremendously. To be apart of that change is truly a forever grateful blessing. This would be one baby, I would savor reborning, as to bring out the utmost quality and lifelike features. This would be a baby I would cherish for a lifetime. I am so EXCITED to have the opportunity to enter this wonderful giveaway! Thank You!!

Thank you BB for the chance to win one of this innovative kits! I would be honored to be able to make one ‘come to life’!

I want to take this opportunity to say that I am a huge fan of Bountiful Baby for many reasons but especially because of the history of its creation. Such a simple idea has turned into the biggest reborn supplier and leader of the industry! The Realborn Kit Giveaway is one more example of why they have so many satisfied customers.

I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for the contest!

Would love to have the opportunity to bring one of these beautiful little babies to life. Thank you Bountiful Baby for this wonderful contest!

This is a great opportunity to get a wonderful sculpt. I would love to win one of the babies so I can “try” to recreate a very life-like baby. I’m new to reborning and I find it a fascinating art. So, hope I win!

I would love to win because BB was the company that helped me get started in this craft and will keep me going into the future.

I have been interested in reborns for a long time and just bought my first kit and supplies from BB a couple weeks ago. I haven’t started yet but am excited and nervous to do so. I fell in love with Presley asleep but would love to have any of the 3 realborn kits. Of course I would tuck it away until I have more experience. Thank you BB for this opportunity and for all that you do for your customers.

I would LOVE to win one of these new babies because they are so beautiful and realistic, thank you for this wonderful opportunity! Hope to hear from you :slight_smile:

I would love to WIN one of these kits just so I can get it and paint it before everyone else has the kit from ordering them. I have done FaceBook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube and here so if I did it all correctly, then I should have 5 chances?

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Here is my entry, I just love the look of the new realborn babies. I cant wait to get my hands on one.

I would love to win the Realborn Give-A-Way because I would be so proud to Reborn such a real looking BB baby!!!

I would be very honored to win one of these pprecious kits!! What you guys have done in thr reborning industry is just amazing!!

I NEEEEEED one of these gorgeous babies!!! I’ve been tryin to figure out how I would swing the cost of one ever since the prices were posted!

Hi, thank you for giving us the opportunity to win the Realborn Presley asleep is my favorite, even if others are very pretty, I started Reborne thanks to the advice of Denise Pratt, I Reborne triplets who experienced a success and always have, and I chained with the following and I have not stopped … I hope to be in the draw … But despite this, Bountiful Baby rest my shop reference Thanks for us … we offer so many choices. bye

I would so much love to win one of these precious Realborns. I have worked construction all my life until I became disabled in 2005 and was introduced to reborning. It is now my full time job and passion. It would certainly help me out to win one of these. Thank you so much for giving everyone the opportunity to participate.

I just started reborning and I am Hooked! I love how realistic they look. Now with Presley and Asher they are so precious and realistic. I would love to have one of the sleeping baby’s. I have been watching every video that I could find on reborn dolls how to paint. I want to do the best job as possible ( yes somewhat of a perfectionist ) I am glad that everyone has a chance to Win. If I win I would cherish the baby! Good luck Everyone!

This is such a wonderful give a way. I have been creating babies and other critters for a few years now and to have a change like this to have one of the first Realborn babies is so exciting, Thank you for the opportunity to win such a prize!!