One Day Reborn Marathon Self Challenge

Oh my goodness! I am in awe! It takes me about a month to complete a baby, and they are not nearly as lovely as your Isaac. You can just knock out the 57 customs you have ordered one per day then take a couple of months off for vacation and R&R. Heck, by fall you can do 57 more. There is still lots of time left in the year. You are something, ma’am!


I don’t think crabs are revengeful creatures but I wouldn’t have chanced it either. Lol
And yes it hurt real bad and I went looking for pain killers as fast as I could. Boats and fishing can definitely be hazardous to your health. But we always loved being out on the reef and never came back empty handed. Coral trout, crays, huge mackerel . What was amazing was jumping out of the boat while inside the reef and standing up and looking around and being in the absolute middle of the ocean. Awesome but kinda weird.

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Hahahahaha! You are beautiful…lol I think they would have to bury me before the year was out…lol I might do it again one day if I procrastinate to long on getting any of my orders out the door but wouldn’t want to do have to do it too often…lol

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Wonderful to watch you do your reborning marathon. Now I feel REALLY guilty about taking a month to do one. (It’s called laziness)…lol.


Beautiful baby! I would love to root and paint that fast and have it look that good! Thanks for sharing your progress pics and congrats on a beautiful one day marathon self challenge baby! The worst poke with the needle is under the nail, still at the fingertip but the needle goes under the nail! Ouch! I’ve been doing it too often lately!


Wow! There is no way I could compete with that. Yesterday I did root my Beatrice for almost an hour and I got another inch or so done along the front LOL, Yes, i am using single needle and rooting lot thicker. However, more importantly, yesterday I have filled and sealed limbs and head on the kit I am finishing, that was about 10.30am; I checked the drying progress before I went to bed and the E6000 was only just touch dry, but quite soft on touch; even this morning it is not dry enough to put the baby together. Anyway, it does not matter, now I have to paint the flanges so they turn properly, and make the body. Cut, sew, and put together; I doubt I have the baby ready for photos by lunch. :smile:


You did it…I loved seeing all the photos and all the comments as well…All hail to the Queen…!!..bow…!! are an amazing lady westernstarr…!!..:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


OK Lady…you are just RIDICULOUS!! LOL and he is very cute :slight_smile:

Please tell me you did not microroot your baby in only one hour! I can’t imagine getting it done that fast even with the 10,000-punch-per-section method!

All I did was read the post and I’m tired ! Great job !


WOW!! I seriously can’t believe you did that!!!

Are you totally exhausted???


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Thank you so much all of you ladies…your lovely comments are very appreciated :blush: :blush:

Ooooowwwww…I forgot about those kind…never done that with a rooting needle but done it with other things…Definitely the worst!!!

Yayyy…at inch is good…every little bit means that much closer…I used a single 42g forked on this little one with yearling mohair. I keep my needles shorter which helps things go more quickly…and I hold it so that it is cradled in my hand so that it stays angled close to the head…that helps too…I punch in a single line of about 5 hairs, lift and do five more, etc…Here is my needle to show the length of how I cut them… I can’t use the multi needled ones because of my wrist and nerve damage in my neck…They require too much ‘force’ to push the into the vinyl for me unfortunately…

Maybe if you do 2 thin layers it would dry faster for you…I do a very fine line of it around the edge and use my finger to smear it so that it is fully sealed (no gaps or bubbles between the vinyl and the cardboard or plug - which ever you are using - it works the same with either…then once dry I do a second thin layer using my finger to thin and keep it even so that the whole cap is covered…I use an over head fan as well as an air con on in the house always…Also wondering where in Oz you live…It must be very humid where you are if it is taking so long for your glue to dry. I live in the Western Downs area and it is very dry heat out our way…not a lot of moisture in the air except when it is raining…hahaha! Maybe if you use a fan and air con on while your glue is drying it would help some as air cons do take moisture out of the air as well??? I sure wish I could sew well enough to make my own doll bodies…Fortunately Rhonda makes lovely ones so I can at least buy some nice ones…lol Can’t wait to see your baby finished… :smile:

Hahahaha…Thank you…but no crown here…l Wish I was a Queen though…then I wouldn’t have to clean and cook…heehee…

Heehee…more truth in that statement than you know…If you had seem me yesterday you would have not only capitalized that word but would have put it in BOLD as well…I ran back and forth like a chicken with my head cut off…lol Wouldn’t want to do that every day…

No, not really -…I only sleep about 4 - 6 hours a day so it was really just another day for me… it was a bit hectic making myself stay focused on one doll for the day though but I always have about 5 - 6 in progress at any one time so it is usually dolls, dolls, dolls anyway…(I mix in a little housework, feeding hubby and watching a dvd during supper with that…lol) I do take a day off from them once a week and as you can see, I mix in my talking to you ladies with it as well…- usually in between paint layers as my desk is L shape so just swivel my chair from work table to computer table.

My breaks from my dolls is usually a trip to town to post one a couple times a week…We run around shopping while we are in and get something to eat and always go down by the river and feed the ducks if they are down there (I know - real exciting…lol I do love feeding them though- is that a sign of getting old? lol)

I am Michelle but don’t tell anyone…heehee! Maybe when I get my knee replacements I will be like the $6 million man - …(The Bionic Man- I know it was before your time but I use to love that program…lol)

Thank you again sweet friends…you are all very very kind!!!


All that…and she remains humble and well grounded…!!..:purple_heart:

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WOW!! That’s all I have to say. :flushed:

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No, it’s not. My son loves feeding them and he’s 12. You’re still a young chick!


I am in Melbourne, and it has been very humid here for the past few days. I do make the seal quite thick; I like it give the vinyl quite a lot of support. It doesn’t worry me to give the glue all the time it needs to set; I also leave it for several days for the glue holding the magnet to cure before I seal the head…
I also cannot wait to have my Beatrice finally done :slight_smile: It really is rather embarrassing, and now with my rooting lamp, there is no excuse.


Wow this came up for me when I posted on how long it took everyone to make a reborn. This is amazing!!! I’d love to see someone else take on this challenge


This is so cool! I would love to do the challenge sometime!

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