Monthly Baby Pageant (MBP) - NOVICE WINNER - 1st Post

wowza…I haven’t logged into this post since I voted way back on the first day and then I hardly ever scroll down beyond the pictures to read the whole thread. I am amazed at what has been going on and I am sorry for any hard feelings this caused between members again.

I for one had no idea who made which doll. I voted for the best baby who may have been made by a very natural and talented doll artist. Even if she is still very new to this art she obviously is gifted. That doesn’t make her a candidate for the ‘advanced’ division, she is just very good. We have had several gals/and guy join recently who have done outstanding on their first babies. Wish we could all say the same thing…but we can’t.

This pageant cannot be canceled. It gives everyone a reason to work harder, post more, pose creatively, research more, ask more questions, involve yourself more fully…it’s a win win for all of us even those who don’t put a baby in. the Forum is growing and producing better babies. That’s a good thing.
DJ, you can get your posts up real easily just by commenting on babies in the showcase/works in progress. Simple comments add up fast and make you an important contributing member of the forum.

But DRAMA is not necessary…I am all over this forum, all day, everyday, and saw nothing that warranted any accusations…from now on maybe Carmen, Kim, and Cher should be the only ones bumping up. Then no one can accuse.


CONGRATULATIONS PIA!!! YOUR RILEY WAS GORGEOUS AND YOU SHOULD BE VERY PROUD OF HER. and everyone that entered deserves a round of applause for such great babies.[/size]

There have been some good suggestions made to improve this contest in order to alleviate the problem that has taken place. I was impressed with the suggestions some have made: Carmen, Kim and Cher bumping up the topic posts . Not implying you are going to enter the contest or next contest, etc. In light of what has transpired it looks like these suggestions, and possibly others, should be considered, because we don’t want this to cause problems between members. To be constructive, maybe we can post or contact the contest organizers, in their preferred manner, any ideas for improving this contest. Then they can discuss them and let us know which of them they want to include in the rules.

I first want to say,Congrats PIA, You had a beautiful baby. The other were also. I want to thank those who did vote for my rosebud. I am learning and trying I do not feel as if any, I am not sure how to say this, anyone was campaigning was done. I love my baby and honestly that is all that matters in my eyes and heart. I think all the entries can say that. I will keep trying and growing so maybe one day I can win a Logo. I work the equlivent of almost 2 full time jobs so I reborn when I can. I started because my grand daughter wanted one and as long as in her eyes my babies are beautiful. I did what I set out to do. I will try again and I hope all who made a baby for this contest will also. We interrupt things so differently in this world which makes us all unique. Keep this going and voting.

[size=14]Carmen and Kim First let me say Thanks for all the work that goes in to the pageants.

Ladies I will let you all know That I will stand with Carmen and Kim any day and for someone to say they think the pageants are rigged doesn’t know either one of these Ladies!!!

Pia won because she had the BEST baby!!!

Don’t let One bad apple stop the pageants for every one else. If she doesn’t like the way the pageant are set up then she DOES NOT have to join them!!![/size]

Had to bump this!!!