Micro preemie chat

Also, here is a funny/cool story that happened to me recently. I was searching Google images of pictures of reborn triplets when I stumbled across a picture of 6 inch mini reborns. I clicked on the picture and it took me to a link to order them, I was so excited because I thought all kits that size were sold out. (Also these were only $20 each!) I double checked the site was legit, and it looked like it was so I ordered 2 of them. Later a lady from the website emailed me very confused as they had taken that page down awhile ago, but they had the kits and were going to send them to me! I totally lucked out!

Here is a picture of them, the kits are Missy and Taffy. I also took a picture of them next to Mini Marley, then preemie sized Little Monkey, and newborn sized Sugar. I just LOVE how incredibly tiny these two are! (Mini Marley is still my all-time favorite kit though. One day I gather the courage to paint Marley!)


Those two are super cute, what a great find !!


I emailed BB. The tiny kits aren’t discontinued, just out of stock.


I have a couple of the tiny kits also and just love them! I like how you had the size comparison so I just did one for myself. It is fun to see the variety of sizes side by side.


@Phassell, you have a great comparison bunch of cuties. By the way, where did you find that cute little bed in the background?


@Phassell, I love that!! Do you mind if I ask who your smallest 2 kits are?


The smallest I believe is Bunny by Secrist. The Other I am not sure of the actual kit name but it is by G. Legler.


The little crib is just a doll bed that my granddaughter keeps her little tiny silicone babies in. She got the bed a couple of years ago with a cheap little doll in. They had high chairs and different accessories. It is just made of plastic. It says polyfect on the bottom if that helps.


It is adorable and her little baby looks to be sleeping so peacefully!


Nice! I wish Secrist would make their tiny ones again! The other one is Florian, he is the 8th baby I reborned:)


I forgot to post my Salia here so here is a few pics of her.


He is adorable! Glad to know who he is. I love the tiny and smaller babies. I had one other similar tiny secrist baby but gave it to @hyelah1990. It had open eyes you were supposed to paint I think. I would love it if they made more tiny kits.

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I see I need to start looking at the baby dolls at Ross :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I bought her on a pre order special, I am not sure how much she is now. Going to go look. She sold already this fall.


This is the other 6 inch kit. Do you know the name by chance?


I don’t know, sorry:( I would love to see a finished version, hopefully someone else knows the name of the kit.

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This is sweet little Stephie that I finished yesterday. This beautiful blue dress set was made by @Tessa. I bought a couple of these sets. She does an amazing job. Message her to she is she’s still making them :slight_smile:


The baby and the outfit are both adorable!:heart:

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She is very talented, she made the pink outfit in the last pic of Salia.

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Thank you! :heart:

Such cute mini babies.

@Vanniek I made them, thanks for the compliment.
@aclovly there are sets like this on Amazon (copy and paste) JC Toys Deluxe Doll Accessory Bundle Featuring High Chair, Crib, Bath and Accessories for Dolls up to 11". Also some Doll House cribs and Calico Critters sets.

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