Micro preemie chat

He is listed at 13 inches. So cute! Mom’s are so nice. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

@JillianJade has some cute 14” baby clothes for sale. She messaged me pics of them. If you are interested I am sure she can share what she has with you.

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Ah I knew it was around that size, just couldn’t quite remember as it’s been a long time(finished him in September of 2015!).

And yes my mum is pretty great, she’s a doll seamstress and even worked for one of the major BJD doll companies making one-of-a-kind doll clothing. It was great of her to make this because I absolutely couldn’t find anything small enough to fit him, so she took a preemie sleeper and modified it to fit him and made a hat out of the excess material.


Thanks! @PutABonnetOnIt
@ATrinket I may try to do that too.

@Miss_Kitty I’ve been looking back at Caleb pics and saw that you did one and opened his eyes. Did you ever finish her? If so did you post a pic?

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I went though security with my Saskia in a large purse :slight_smile: one officer was very interested in checking him out, the other just shuddered!


LOLOLOL! That’s funny!

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No it was a horrible mess!! Lol

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Awww, too bad, lol!

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I know. :frowning: my first problem was that I slipped a little bit and cut the wrong part just a tiny bit. Then I tried to camo with clay… nope, didn’t work. :frowning:


A person could easily do these in an “assembly line” fashion.

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I even used the glue, I didn’t sew a thing!
This glue was the one the ladies that worked at Joann’s recommended as being the best. They said to buy the smallest bottle so you have the smaller top to have more control of making finer lines. I double checked all my seams after everything dried overnight and did have to tough up a few small spots. The trims were the items that I needed the most touch up on more than the fabric seams.

So, this glue is basically “sewing” the seams? You don’t have to do anything after you glue them together? When you wash them, does it hold up? I am asking because if it does all this, this is a wonderful item for some articles people sew. Like these darling little dresses you made! :slight_smile:

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I haven’t washed them yet. The bottle and the ladies say that you can. I actually started to tear the fabric in a couple of spots because I tugged too hard and the glue didn’t let go. But I do recommend checking everything any spots I reglued, glued solid. Maybe I put it too thin or it started to dry a bit before I got to it, who knows…it does recommend prewashing the fabric to rid fabric of sizing but I didn’t, I was too lazy :wink:. I don’t think the glue is dry cleanable, not sure.

I know in the past they had something called “stitch it” or something like that and it was meant to be used and then washed if needed. I think, especially for the doll clothes, that you have hit upon a wonderful idea! They don’t really need washing, unless they have been around a long time and just need the dust out, or if something should get on their outfit. But, yes, I think this is a fabulous idea! Thanks so much for sharing.

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I have that! It’s wonderful lol

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I am going to glue on her lashes tonight, but couldn’t resist taking a couple of pics. Of course my cellphone washes her out.


Such a cutie! Her blanket is nice too! Can’t wait to see eyelashes, no brows?

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Lol @AnnieSokay I kept trying to figure out what she was missing lol Her brows, I cannot believe I forgot her brows! Yikes and I already have the magnet eyes and glue on her. Never baked a baby with all that! Thank you so much for catching that for me!!!

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