It's all over on YouTube

That’s right, there is Vimeo.

Wondering if YT is going to go down after these changes. It might take a while, but wonder if it will happen.

As a content creator, i’m Considering hosting my videos on another platform. I’ve been considering Dailymotion and Vinemo. Dailymotion is a little bit similar to YouTube but doesn’t have the strict rules. It doesn’t have comments though and I like being able to interact others in this community. Vinemo would cost me $7 a month which I don’t know if I could do that. But I do really like them too.

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I’m wondering since it’s for colecrorsvand artists they’d see a dif if they actually watched it. Painting a doll is dif then playing with a doll etc. it is definately not a hobby for children. Kinda like model cars, trains and miniature doll houses. Kids can do it but it’s not the intention. :woman_shrugging:t2:
It will be interesting to see how this pans out. I know there were some really creepy videos targeted at kids with messages to kill etc. using cartoons. Maybe that is what they are trying to eliminate? Although if they can still be on YouTube just not have comments etc they are still out there

I’m thinking of moving my content to my new group on Facebook and on Instagram. Once this law goes into effect jan 1st our reborn videos will no longer be searchable of recommended anymore no one will find our videos unless we make a post elsewhere letting people know to go to my YouTube channel to look for my video. Pain in the arse! So I might as well just go live on Facebook Instagram and younow

This is the first I’ve heard of this, can I get some clarification? You are going to have to label all your uploaded videos or be fined thousands?! What about old videos on old accounts you no longer can access? I uploaded an old Christmas episode of a children’s tv show 8 years ago, I’m now worried I’m going to get a huge fine because I barely remember how I uploaded it let alone can still access the account as I’ve long forgotten all the log in details. I can’t delete the account and am totally stuck. I can’t be the only one? Anyone?

You are not the only one! I have my other channel Morningside Nursery that I uploaded there 7 years ago. I think if it’s a small channel and it’s not monetized YouTube will just get ride of it.

Lol I didn’t even know you could make money from YouTube videos! I don’t even really know how I uploaded this old tv show as someone helped me with it and it’s certainly not a channel, I only put it on there for old fans of the show, like about a million other old tv programmes on there. Actually I like watching old movies and shows that someone’s put on, many times the only way to watch them as no official release, are they all going to be gotten rid of too?

It’s my understanding that it really isn’t up to YouTube so I dont know if contacting them will help or not.

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Reborn count.
Anything that is considered “child attractive.” counts.

And YouTube has no say. Its the feds.


Thank you for posting it!

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I’m really gonna miss the reborn community on you tube😏

I like watching Kim on Custom Doll Baby and @gabriel. :slightly_smiling_face:I wish we could watch them here. I don’t make Alot of dolls and need a refresher once in a while.:slightly_smiling_face:

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This guy makes us to hear that they are going to basically destroy YouTube. I have never made a YouTube video, but this concerns me on so many levels. First of, the government is meddling too much into our lives again. But, I enjoy YouTube for all kinds of crafts, i.e. crochet, reborns, etc. Also, music and nature videos. Just a lot of things. It is not good as far as I am concerned, that some human(s) decide what I can see or have regular access to. Hope it turns around.


They are basically ruining YouTube. I follow many people and they all say the same thing. Anything child attractive. (Animation. Puppets. Arts. Crafts. Cartoons. Toys. Dolls. ECT. ) Are all gone come January.

I watch lots of toy reviews and all of them will be gone.


I feel the same. I have downloaded a lot of videos from YouTube in the past, and I am thankful I did. If I wanted to still be able to see certain tutorials such as Kim’s reborn with me tutorial, I would definitely download it now.

Is it hard to download youtube videos? I did not even know that could be done.

You tube is about all I watch. I learned so much about reborning. I’m very upset that this will no longer be available.I love watching box openings.


I don’t understand why this is being done. Does the FTC want to change YT into an x-rated-content-only site? This is going to remove most decent videos on YT, if I’m understanding this correctly. People who run channels about pets, such as pet cats, pet rats, pet fish, etc., are appealing to children as well as adults. So, they will shadow banned, too? What about channels that share history? Most anything that doesn’t have horrible and inappropriate content could be viewable to children. It’s like there is a push to destroy YT. YT has pretty much been about freedom.


So if “kids” are meaning under 13 and “adults” are 18+…what about targeting to 13-17? What will they watch if the only options are kids or adults and they don’t have a section for them?


On my app on my phone when I open a video on YouTube it gives the option to download.
Also if you start a free trial of YouTube red or something like that, you can download any videos and save them to your photo. Also a screen recorder would work as well