Is it just me in this?

You’ll probably read this in my other comments responding to everyone else but they all have video games and electronics in common I do not l; my daughter likes soccer but only when she’s in the mood to play -my son and my other half will not participate in that. so there’s really nothing we all can do because they’re all very independent people who don’t like to come together they rather keep to themselves

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Not normal in what way? Like a baby with a deformity? That would be unique and neat. I’d love that :bangbang:


That’s very sad about your best friend. My prayers to her. Your situation seems similar-ish to mine. I’m glad your daughter loves them, I just found out my other best friend actually has three and I found it hard to talk to her about it prior to finding that out. I knew she wouldn’t judge me but I didn’t know what her reaction would be: She then told me in response that she has three lol. This is after I brought up the subject to her-this topic was the subject I brought up


It is Clyde Asleep. I normally use human hair but am using mohair for this baby and I do not like it, lol! This baby is a thorn in my side. It has to be something subtle so that she won’t be mad at me. :grimacing:


Yes sweets. I am. I’m in a place where it doesn’t matter if they’re interested or not. I’ve found something I love and that adds to making me happy and leaning toward content. :heart::heartpulse::two_hearts::purple_heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::latin_cross::bangbang::muscle:t5:


Not certain If that’s directed towards me, if it is: I want to collect a few first get a feel for how they are painted because I’m a canvas painter so 2D, Lol. painting the three-dimensional object to me mentally I have to see and touch and take it in visually before I try my hand at it. But once I’m comfortable with the tones the textures the depth and trying to figure out the realism, I definitely want to put my hands to creating a few



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Thanks for your response and I’m so glad you’re feeling much better. I too have struggled with family, but Thankfully I have worked thru my issues and no longer fall into that dark place. I wish for you continued love and peace.


@AGNKGMommySy I’ve begun to put a birthmark on my babies already, lol. That is a good idea though. Maybe a Port Wine stain somewhere.

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Thank you so much. :heart::blue_heart::yellow_heart: I’m working toward having only a bright side. So far my kiddos and collecting is it.

Yes a unique identifier. My Titus (aria kit) will well is supposed to have one :joy: I’ll have to check in that…

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@AGNKGMommySy The baby now has a port wine stain on his cheek. :slightly_smiling_face:


Just getting back into my account lol. That’s cool. Love differences. Uniqueness is the spice of life​:heart::yellow_heart::green_heart::sparkles::sparkles:ole :dancer:t4: Lol