Is it just me in this?

That is an interesting thought. Of course, at my age (senior citizen) my kids are grown, and I truly agree with you that we need to take care of our kids while we can. I did not worry about hobbies for myself when I had children, and even small grand children. But, as you say, it is my own pleasure. Of course – it has to be that way. And I go on with it even if no one else wants to enjoy it with me. Someone mentioned they give their dolls away. I had to think how my circle of people would not appreciate such a gift. The only place that might would be a nursing home. I used to love to go there, but now my health will not allow it. I have made such a few dolls it really isn’t a problem with getting them out of the way. I DO have a lot of stash. :slight_smile: As we say on this forum, it is an addictive hobby. :slight_smile: I appreciate your remarks. You always have good insight. Thanks.


Gina, I totally agree with you, I wanted to respond but felt somewhat uncomfortable. I’m so glad you shared your thoughts, I pray they will be heard with the kindness I’m sure you feel.


I agree with G. I get ZERO support and am often made fun of by my husband, friends and family. Who cares? It’s my thing and if I like it, that’s all that matters. It Would be nice to have support, but I have been reborning, collecting and selling for 8 years just fine with out it. When I need support, I come here.


Ditto, I get made fun of by my family and friends. Oh well, so what I know myself and I have a big creative urge and I feel better when I create and these pretty sweet dolls
bring me joy.


Maybe you should find a hobby that everyone in your family loves . Problem solved!


Omg! That would solve it. You could also help them find something they are passionate about. It might not be dolls!


Yes!!! Exactly what I was thinking!!!


@Jacelyn5440 I am one of the people that gives them away. You’d be surprised who would want a reborn doll if you asked them. I paint Alternatives and there is always someone that wants one, lol. I am painting a doll for my baby sister who is a grandmother. She is the last person I expected to want a baby but SMH she wants a realistic baby. The only one that wants a sleeping realistic baby. I am having such a hard time painting it. :scream: but doing ok. Of course I am thinking about what to do to make this baby not normal, lol. I’ll think of something.


Reborns strongly upset my husband due to an unfortunate event in his past. He knows how happy it makes me to have found an artform I’m decent at so he tries his hardest to be supportive while remaining as uninvolved as possible. My mother and brothers really don’t feel me on my love for reborns and seem weirded out any time I show them one I’ve painted. They just don’t “get” it. Perhaps the most painful lack of connection though, is with my best friend. We can talk about anything and everything, but not the dolls. She finds dolls in general really disturbing and struggles with infertility, so baby dolls are doubly taboo. That being said, I’m not completely alone in my love for reborns. My 19 year old loves them as well and will gladly accept any dolls that I send her way.


It’s not a matter of hiding. He said these dolls are creepy real. Lol. Funny to be because the realism’s the reason I am drawn to this life :heart::two_hearts::revolving_hearts::two_hearts::purple_heart::bangbang::100::purple_heart:


I give my babies away too. I feel better when I do that because it has actually brought comfort to them.


I read your post and was shaking my head with a hearty “yes”! I have a 26 yo bio son, and 16 and 18 yo grand nieces that I’ve custody of since they were 7 mo old.

I’m going to give you my honest opinions, experiences, and suggestions. Here goes:

I’m 47 but before I got custody of the girls, I had serious baby fever. Like, I can’t even describe it. I understand how it can feel, how it just feels so overwhelming and you see babies everywhere and baby showers, and clothes in the stores, etc… Part of the reason I’m drawn to reborns is because when all three of my kids were young, we couldn’t afford all the cute clothes I wanted for them. Now we can afford it (damn this quarantine…I can’t go shopping still), and I can’t wait to buy cute outfits for my reborn.

I have depression and anxiety and making things for my reborn helps me have something to look forward to (I crochet.). I also hold the baby as we watch TV at night. I plan on taking it for walks when I get my stroller from Amazon. I have already made three YouTube videos and I plan on making more. That also gives me something to look forward to. I really enjoy making them. I COMPLETELY understand not wanting to go to that “bad place” with depression. Please make sure you are taking your meds correctly, and if you aren’t on meds, please consider it. Also, my therapist told me that if you loosely plan your day, it gives you something to look forward to and something to keep your mind occupied.

As far as the kids…be careful with sharing too much about court or looking towards them for support. It’s a lot to put on their shoulders. They are already dealing with a lot with what they must have went thru, also just being a kid worries, and now with the quarantine. They love you but perhaps they move away from you because your need is overwhelming them. Please take this in the spirit that it is meant. There are support groups for everything online, plus places like this where you can share and ask for support.

Also, as far as the ten year old, believe it or not, she could be in the beginning of adolescence and moving away from you could just be completely normal. I’ve gone thru it and they both want you to be there as their mom while pushing you away. It’s really hard to deal with but our job in life is to give them the tools they need to grow up and function in society–we “give them wings”.

I told my husband, children and a friend before I ever got my reborn to please not make fun of me about it. I explained why I had an interest in them, and it helped them to make sense of it. Not everyone is going to listen to your request. My son is like that. I make the choice to ignore it for now, but I always have the option to talk to him about it and how he’s making me feel.

My last thought: I think you are right about the reborn not being there so your daughter has lost interest. How about you let her pick something she is interested in and you follow her lead with it? When your reborn comes in, gauge her interest in it. If she is still not interested, don’t force her.

My thoughts are with you, I know how hard it can be, and I wish you peace.


I’m literally in tears now. All I can think to saying thank you. And you’re correct in all points. Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you​:heart::heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::latin_cross::latin_cross::revolving_hearts::boxing_glove::two_hearts::two_hearts::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::white_heart:

And for my daughter your right. I do our way too much on her. But that may also be because no matter what mood I’m in she alway inquires on why I’m in that mood. I tend to unload and it’s a really bad habit. I have apologized to her for that already too. And we we play soccer together that’s her thing


I fully appreciate and understand what you’re saying. And I was one of those girls who dig sports not babies but that’s now changed and yes we all have our own interests. But I also don’t see the point of chasing my kids for affection if they’re not in the mood to give or receive. I don’t ignore them it’s the other way around. I usually just wait for them to come to me. That’s all I can do.

Things are mundane and it seems - especially now- they’re very into their electronics and gaming and not into family time. When just a few months ago we were homeless and all we had was us. That’s what I miss , the us time. (Not the homelessness lol)

When it comes to love I have a lot to give and they are very spoiled in that department. Moreso than any other department. Especially now that I’m not working much. All I can do is YouTube watch other reborn mommies and dream of one Day being stable enough to get another baba. I used my little savings to get me a baba boy who’s coming in June.That was my little treat to me. That was birthday Christmas New Years all of that

Anyway, I can’t push away or shake the “missing” feeling that I have. And I’m glad this community has been the piece to fit the puzzle :jigsaw:

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I am so grateful that I could help. Hubby was waiting for me in the car as I was writing it and he was getting impatient but I told him to wait. You are so very welcome.

Both my girls recognize my mood changes too and ask me about them. I am very general in my answers and always end my answer with a solution to the problem (i.e.-I’m anxious because of _____ but I’m going to listen to some music now and it’ll help me feel better.).

Soccer is awesome! It’ll be such a help to you too, b/c it’s exercise!

Happy Mother’s Day!


Well thank you for feeling that responding to my message was important. Makes me feel good. I’ll have to try the general response thing. And soccer is fun


Are you just going to buy dolls or try reborning them yourself?

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I’m not certain you comment was meant for me or not LOL but I’m so glad that you responded :bangbang:I’m in a better place right now and no longer worry about whether they’re interested or not​:heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::latin_cross::muscle:t5:


I don’t have in common what they all have in common which is tablets phones computers and video games. I’m an interactive person I like to have family time and they rather have family electronics time as in everyone’s in one room but doing something else. That’s not me lol


Glad you are feeling better about all of this @AGNKGMommySy