Craft Fair this weekend!

Sounds like you had a successful day, Amy! fingers crossed for lots of sale tomorrow! Get a good night’s sleep! :wink:


Thanks, Izzy! I’m home now and pooped. I’ll check back in in a little bit.


Amy are you passing out your business cards? Make sure everyone gets one cause they may decide later that they need one of “those” babies!!! I know how my mind works and that’s probably what I would do.


Yes, Lynn, I’m giving business cards to everyone! Thanks for the reminder, though. :slight_smile:


@AmyR777, I bet you’ll have sales tomorrow ~ those ladies will go home, sleep on it, and be back to buy!

Sounds like it was a great day! :thumbsup:


I hope so, Karen! I felt so bad for two of the women that were practically in tears when they left. I wouldn’t be surprised if they come back tomorrow.


I hope so, its so wonderful to see the reactions of people who have never seen the reborns before. Glad you you had fun.

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Yes, it is!! :blush:

When I read it, I thought you meant we would “kid” him, meaning tease him. I didn’t even notice it was an auto-correct typo. LOL.


I thought the exact same thing…thought you were telling him we would tease him about it… :smile:


Good luck!!!


We need an update Amy!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


Today was long but we’re on our way home. I had one sale. Woohoo! I’ve had some new “likers” on my Facebook page from the show so that’s good. Exposure was great and I met another vendor that’s going to send me some info on a high-end art show in south Florida that’s taking place this coming Spring.

Here’s the baby stroller as we were heading out. Talk about packing everything up for baby! LOL!!


THATS GREAT!!! WOOO Go Amy!!! Will you be back next year? :slight_smile:


It’s so great that you made a sale! YAY!

Which baby did you sell?


Yay Amy!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️


GO AMY!!! Yippee for you, who was the lucky baby to find a forever home? So happy you had a sale, was the baby for a Christmas gift or was it the new mom who bought it for herself? Congratulations!!


@izzy, I’m not sure, yet, if I’ll do that fair again. I guess it depends on what else I find.

Thanks, @Nikkiroc!

@kareninflorida and @lynn, I sold my second reborn, Kaelin.

She will be a Christmas present to an 11 yr old girl that fell in love with her. Her mom was a fellow vendor and came over to ask if she could pay $100 for her. I had her marked $125. Since I wanted a sale and since her daughter had been at my booth for most of the 2 days and had been a help, I said yes.

Mom wanted me to hide the doll, tell her daughter it had sold, then bring it over to their booth at the end of the event. I felt so bad telling the girl the baby had sold. She turned and walked away so calmly that I wasn’t sure she understood me. Her mom told me later that she had cried that last couple of hours. I never saw her again. :confused:

I’m glad that baby finally sold. I actually sold her for $225 in February and shipped her to her new mommy. It was held at the post office for 2 mos waiting for her to claim it. They kept sending her reminder notices. She didn’t respond to my emails and I didn’t have a phone number. I finally got the package back. Six months later, and still no response from the buyer, I decided I’d donate it. Sooo, last month I donated it to the Lion’s Eye Institute for their silent auction. A woman bid $300. Her hubby bid $3000 on a trip. By the time they had to pay, he had gotten drunk and beligerent and refused to let her buy a baby doll. Again the baby came home.

I then thought I’d donate it to the senior center my parents used to go to, since Mom and I were taking a trip up there. But, mom went into the hospital and the trip was canceled. Really?!! Since I’d already been paid for this doll, another $100 was nice. I really didn’t want to bring this baby back home.


I remember the Kaelin post office story…geez.

Glad the little girl got her, but too bad her mom made her cry. Gosh. Your baby must’ve made her soooooooo HAPPY, though! Can you just imagine!!! From tears to JOY!!!


That little girl will be soo happy once she is surprised with the baby! :slight_smile: Sounds like Kaelin knew she needed to go with you to the craft fair. lol