Craft Fair this weekend!

Sounds like you had a very fun, interesting, tired, roller coaster of a time lol.


@kareninflorida, I hope they give the doll to the girl early. When we left, they were still hiding it.

@jlesser, Iā€™m so glad Kaelin knew what was going on. :wink:

Yes, @snuggle2me, it was all of those things! :flushed: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I canā€™t believe the story you had with kailyn!!! I hope the show gets your name out!!! I think you will get sneaker salesā€¦ They will keep thinking about what they saw!!!:heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø


I hope so, Nikki. :slight_smile:


Your work is amazing Amyā€¦ How could they not??? I adore your Joey! I think he is the cutestJoey in all the world! :heart:ļø


Aww, youā€™re so sweet, Nikki! Several women fell in love the baby that looks like a monkey. One wanted him so bad, she was in tears when she left. She may be calling.


I am glad that you make a sale, and hopefully at few prospects. Congratulations!

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Thanks, Diane! :slight_smile:

Geezā€¦ Why didnā€™t she just get him??? Maybe she is like me and has to cry and beg for awhile. If so, and if she is annoying enoughā€¦ She will soon have a baby!!!:heart:ļø

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Lolol my version of how reborn babies are born. How to have a baby, by Nikkiroc. Am I doing it wrong??? Lololololololol

What an amazing story Amy, that poor baby has sure made her way around and so glad she is going to make a little girl so very happy. I love that story :heart:ļø:heart:ļø:heart:ļø


I gave the mom my contact info but I wish I had told her to have her daughter call me when she gets her.


Iā€™d love to be a fly on the wall when she opens that gift!!!


Which baby looks like a monkey?

Joey Edenholm. The first thing out of everyoneā€™s mouth is how much he looks like a monkey.


I think he looks monkeyish also. But I see that in a few of them lol, as well as whos from the Grinch movieā€¦ lol


Aw, haha I have to agree but your version is still adorable!

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Love the story about your sale and I am sure she will be crying again when she opens the present. There is a craft fair in OKC at the fair grounds a couple of times a year and a couple of venders that have brought reborns. Most of the ones that sell are the barely embellished Berenguers in preemie clothing and magnetic pacifier and some weighting added that are under $100.00. The more expensive babies just get the oooohs and aaahs and no Mommies. Hopefully the higher end show will have shoppers that know the work that goes into a baby and are willing to spend $500 to own one.


Congrats on the sale Amyā€¦so glad you had a good timeā€¦Poor little kidā€¦BUT ā€¦not for longā€¦I bet she will be over the moon when she gets up Christmas morningā€¦ That lady in the second photo should have bought that babyā€¦It favours her a lot - could have been her own childā€¦lol


@pia, my hubby and I talked about the price point and came to the conclusion Iā€™d have to do playborns for that environment and that wonā€™t make me happy. I think local craft shows are still a great way to market as long as you dont expect to sell the high-end dolls. They certainly wonā€™t be a good venue if you have to travel and pay for a hotel.

Iā€™m interested in the spring art fair that was mentioned to me and Iā€™ll probably look into local doll shows, too.

Thank you, @westernstarr! Yes, Iā€™m sure the girl (Megan) will be soo happy when she opens up her baby. :slight_smile: The lady was attached to little Addy Hess and, now that Iā€™ve looked again, I do see a resemblance.

At one point yesterday, a lady came to visit Asher Awake for the 3rd or 4th time. We had several people around us holding babies and this lady freaked out beacause she thought we had sold ā€œherā€ baby. She asked whereā€™s the baby in pink?! I showed her Addy and she said no, not her. I panicked, thinkng someone kidnapped a doll so I quickly did a head countā€¦3 times because I couldnā€™t focus. Turns out she meant Asherā€¦the one in all yellow! LOL!!!