Your Achilles' Heel in the Reborn World

Custom work brought out anxiety in me that I never knew I had. Sure, I have always been picky about my art, but when it already belongs to someone else, I can’t just trash it and do something else. Plus, I have only been at this 6 months. I don’t have special recipes (I’m working on that) or a guarantee that one doll will be like another. I just say no to maintain my artistic integrity. I admire people that can take on customs! I think it’s great you have customers that give you freedom like that!


That made me laugh. Thanks.

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@Alypants I have had over 20 years in customer service with background in billing, technical support, and handling escalated issues. I understand what you mean. Stay true to yourself and your awesome creative talent proves your worth.

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Same here. I did one custom and removed that offer immediately after I realize how much I stressed myself over it. I think it’s even killed my desire to paint. Now if I want to paint I paint, if I don’t want - so be it.

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I’m not doing any more portrait babies unless they’re bald or have black hair. I’ve done four, two with black hair, one with blonde and one that the customer chose the hair color from samples. The mommies of the ones with black hair were thrilled with their babies. I told the one who chose the color which one I would use and she said it was too light when it was finished. I wanted to re-do it but she wouldn’t let me. She said it was fine the way it was but I wasn’t happy with it. The one with blonde hair (that was requested by a new friend) I did from a 50+ year old black and white picture with the only information from the customer was that it was blonde. There are so many shades of blonde. She didn’t like it the first time so I pulled it all out and re-rooted it. She didn’t like it the second time, either, and I haven’t heard from her since. So no more portrait babies for me.


Thank you. Having worked in the jewelry industry, I understand how high emotions can get when dealing with something that is so precious to you. Whether an important ring or doll, an unwanted outcome could really stir the pot. I like painting with a “what you see is what you get” attitude for now. I did design one ring and it was very stressful too from drawing, to molds, to finished design. It turned out beautifully and the customer loved it thankfully. Phew!


Great thinking! It is an artist’s job to create, unless they choose otherwise!


The custom baby that I did was somewhat of a portrait baby. I agreed to it before realizing that I would have to paint blonde hair. It just never looks as good as dark to me. Plus, the kit chosen was hard to love for me at least. It really cramped my style :sweat_smile:


Right now. Everything is my Achilles" Heel. LOL


Eyebrows are my nemesis. I do ok but I just don’t know why I struggle even a little it’s such a tiny thing…

Stopping…knowing when to put the paint brush down and be done, I go into some kind of altered state when I am making babies.

My irritation is with clients who ask questions that are already answered. I take time to write a detailed description, take good photos (left, right, feet, top of head, full body, full face, hands, close up) and I include all the other details you would need to buy a doll from me and every day sure as the sun will come up I get “Is this doll still available?” When is says “adopted” I get can you make me one just like this with red hair" When I clearly state I do not do customs" and “I need a payment plan, would you trade, I will give you 200 less…” When I clearly state that I price fairly, and that I don’t do all the other stuff".

I don’t mind clarifying or answering follow up questions but if you ask me for a free baby my head will explode.

Other than that I love it to pieces, all of it, ok I don’t like the business part but I love the painting part.


I don’t sell any of my babies. They are not good enough. Coming from a customer service background, I understand your frustration. I absolutely love your work. You are quite talented. You all welcomed me back. I appreciate that. I was struggling with high blood pressure. It is under control so far. I am under such great stress. I wish I could talk about it but I just can’t. You here in this forum are the only people I can talk to. Thank you all so much for having me back.


I had one girl message me a bunch of times asking if a doll peed. When I said no, she got mad and said “then why does it come with diapers and a bottle if it doesn’t pee?”, but with worse grammar, spelling and a lot of caps. I didn’t respond and blocked her. The doll sold the next week and then the buyer bought a second doll from me a few days after receiving the first. Just ignore people like that, especially if they don’t seem to get it.


:rofl: Wow, I never though about such connection of a bottle and diaper on reborn, but now the question sounds very logical :joy::joy::joy:

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I’m assuming it’s because there’s roleplayers on YouTube that pretend to feed a bottle and change the diaper and stuff and some kids are perhaps too young to understand that it’s al pretend.


These babies can lower your blood pressure and reduce stress, I am glad you are surrounded by them.

Take good care of you and keep making babies if it makes you happy.

When you feel comfortable show us a baby for critique, there are so many people here willing to give you tips and tricks to help you move forward if that is what feels good for you.


Yes to all of it about the questions. I get “I need this doll.” Sorry this doll is sold…”Kk yah you don’t do customs tho?”
“No, I don’t take customs.”
“Ok is this one available?”
“No, that one is sold.”
“What is the price?”
“XYZ was the price.”
“Oh. Wow! Nevermind!” *
Slaps forehead*


Lordy, I hear ya sister.

For me the best part about these babies is you get all the squishy, cute, sweetness and none of the other stuff, your sleep is deep, you don’t have to save for college, no poopy diapers or 2am earaches.

I get some odd questions…


Ut OH - Burlington? never heard of this one! But off to check it out…baby clothes are a weakness for me - maybe because I am procrastinating about starting painting a reborn - but buying clothes is easy and so so addictive


Looks gorgeous to me :slight_smile:


Gosh I can relate to this @Sarabeth - and I haven’t even started one reborn yet

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