You should see my kitchen! Pics Added

Working on all my custom orders and one for sale.


My husband said he was tempted to rearrange the arms and legs. He got the “i will kill you” look!


It looks like your very busy I would have trouble keeping all limbs straight.

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my kind of morning! But I’m sitting behind the wrong desk! Just may need to take a few vacation or (sick days) to enjoy the morning fun! After working M/F then taking care of the “homestead” and trying to work in my exercise (still working on that) the evenings are so exhausting! Looks like you have it together!

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Your kitchen looks like my living room except I only have 4 dolls going currently.

OH, MY!!! I wish I could work on more than just one. It just causes way too much anxiety for me.
I know what you mean about the hubby. How dare he even think about getting something to eat…lol.


I tried one other time to paint 2 at one time and I just went nuts. I figured out it was because their personalities were different :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: this time I decided for the washes and mottling that I would use the same technique and do them each in a row. Believe it or not they are turning out different. It’s the vinyl for sure. Celeste is turning out dreamy while Punkin is wanting to turn red no matter what. Presley is also wonderful at this stage. I think I’m reaching the dividing point now and each will get individual attention. :grin:


@MichelleP20 I do love he drying rack. It’s got curved post so I don’t worry about anything poking through or leaving bulges in the vinyl.


That’s a FUN mess!! I’m jealous!

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Dangggg, they’d all be sitting there looking at me, you are a good multi tasker, I can with work, but with babies I’d be so overwhelmed! Wouldn’t know where to start, good job!

Wow Busy, Busy. I wouldn’t know where to start if that was me. lol I basically can only work on one at a time. :smiley:


Wow, Melanie! I’m impressed!! Rooting all those at once won’t be fun, though.


I know @AmyR777. Not looking forward to that part. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I would ask you what’s cooking but I think I already know. :smile::smile::smile: I spy a Mathis by Gundrun Leger I do believe!


Now that’s talent !!!

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OMGosh that is awesome! Where do you cook yours at? I plan to buy a NuWave this weekend, but have been using my oven this past year. Love your babies!

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HAhahahaha! love it…you are a reborner after my own heart…always have 4 -5 going at once here too…sometimes I think I have ADD cause I get too bored trying to do only one at a time…lol :smile:

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I’m lucky enough to have a double oven and two of my daughters gave me E-wave cookers for Christmas last year. Most of the time I’m rotating them out. Painting one while ones cooking. It’s been working pretty good so far.


@Becca you DO see Mathis. The lady that I’m doing 3 for wants me to surprise her. She doesn’t want to know if they are girls or boys. I decided 2 would be girls…Majara and Presley Awake. One would be a boy so that’s where Mathis comes in. The problem I have now is that I like him better than I thought cause he’s got that boyish look. It’s gonna be hard to let him out of my hands. My problem is I love them ALL.


Here’s a great idea for keeping the limbs straight. When I’m doing multiple babies at once, I use an ultra thin Sharpie to write the name of the kit inside the lip of the limbs and neck. You can also just put a dot of paint there (different color for each doll) and then match them up like Garanimals clothes. I haven’t gotten any mixed up since I started doing this. :smile: