Yeh ! sales are back

Not many but hey I’m not greedy I have really been suffering from withdrawal since they pulled the plug on the daily sales .
I enjoy the thrill of the hunt so to speak , even if the kit I am looking for isn’t there it is fun to look and anticipate one I am wanting will show up and I can save a few bucks .
The amount off quite often exceeds the postage I would pay on a regular kit price so it comes out like free postage THANKS BB .
PS . Still hoping Kenzie gets here soon


Who are you waiting for? I was so happy they had seconds of Ana, because I didn’t want to pay full price.


I have several I am interested in however the new one I am in line for though is Kenzie .


I am waiting for Amelia, trying to save my money, lol. I keep buying other things.


I’m waiting for Kenzie too


Hope you love her , mine was so much fun to put together kind of like a puzzle lol and love to dress and pose her one of my favorites .

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I am all ready lol i have everything to put her together except the kit .

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@LillyBellesBabies Did you have to buy anything extra to put her together, or to pose her?

I didn’t use anything but what the read out said was required , I know i have seen some talking about armature but i just made sure to weight her legs well and I was good to go.

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Ok thanks, I am putting that in my notes.

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Had a thought I did use the optional arm and leg rings on Amelia as well .

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I will remember to get those! Did you post a pic of her somewhere, I’d love to see her? @LillyBellesBabies

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I’m hoping for Rosebud on sale. I need two. :wink:

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Hope you get your wish too , I have found my likes have shifted from the smaller babies to the very large baby now lol .


I have but of course I never tire of showing her off lol I expect Kenzie to be the same , these picks depict her crawl stance .

That’s her on the edge brave little thing .

And then we have her curious side and we all know babies love the box toy above all things lol. , like I said hope you have fun with her .


Great Job, I am waiting on Amelia and Kenzie too. Did you root her, her hair looks so full. If so, how much did it take ?

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Thanks I don’t do good on photos but I think she shines anyway she is such a cute sculpt I think it would be hard to mess her up .
I rooted her hair but to tell you how much I used I don’t even know lol I just kept looking for places that needed more and filling in until she was as you see her .

I love your version !

Is that mohair ? It looks fabulous !!!

Thanks , I cant take credit for the hair used it was a present from my sister for doing a reborn for her , I loved the color , the texture and it was paid for so I used it gladly.