Yeh ! sales are back

@LillyBellesBabies I love her even more!

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I am not Marissa however I have purchased several seconds and aside from the openings in the limbs being a little messy and perhaps a pin point size dark dot on the scalp I have found nothing that would keep me from buying another.

I got it , I got it , uhuh I got it Kenzie I mean Thanks BB have a good Thanksgiving from our home to yours .

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You get your Amelia ? amazing price break today .

@LillyBellesBabies Yes I got her, I was out all day and did not know she was in, I was scared they would be out again when I went to order, like last time. I am very happy that I saved my money! Thanks for asking, lol. Glad you got Kenzie!

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Yipee ! Have fun will look forward to seeing yours when you get her finished .

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It won’t be until after the Valentine Swap as I am working on a two others right now, and have another waiting in line. Wish I could put them all aside for her though, lol. I am looking forward to your Kenzie.

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Thanks for posting, I did not check on BB website due to cooking my Thanksgiving dinner and did not see Amelia was back . I got mine too, hooray and at a great price


Well yeah no problem I couldn’t keep quite on that one lol since I have been watching and waiting for Kenzie and knew others here were hoping for Amelia. You have a great Thanksgiving !

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Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well !!!