Would you eat this cake?!?! šŸ˜³

I totally agree with you

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No I think what happens is that adjusted folks donā€™t spend time buying stock in other peoples versions of ā€œpolitically correct.ā€ People create what moves/speaks to them. We all come from different places with different views, different life experiences and different triggers; some we can understand and some we canā€™t. In the interest of the cake an artist took their time to create a realistic edible piece of art (ARTā€¦ not a REAL dead baby being served as dessert). As @anon72659292 stated in her last post, she felt an intense feeling of sorrow when she looked at the cakeā€¦I totally get how that could happen to someone, but for the others of us who look at the cake and see something completely different, that doesnā€™t make them psychos or uncaring, and I doubt very seriously that anyone here would be unsympathetic to any situation that involved an hurt child in any form.

I spend 4 days a week/10 hours a day looking at people from birth to 100ā€¦ dying, and it makes for a very heavy heart and lots of bottled tears, believe me. But when I come home at the end of the day and stick my realistic vinyl doll in the oven to bake at 275 or jam a sharp rooting needle into his/her skull does it bother meā€¦heck no, and I donā€™t think I or anyone else here is crazy for doing it. SO while I get why lots of people would not want to eat it, I just didnā€™t understand how it lead to a personā€™s moral fiber coming into question.

On a different noteā€¦the cake babyā€™s face in the lower left photo reminds me of Kyle. Haā€¦


I thought it was hilarious and witty!


You are a class act, lambkins! (Since text doesnā€™t indicate inflection, I am NOT being sarcastic!). Well handled, humble and honest addition to your emotional earlier posts. Weird thread among trusted friendsā¤ļø (So, I should probably step back a few and introduce myself, huh?)


Wellā€¦I once made ā€œpoop/terdsā€ out of oreos and cream cheese, and served them at my ā€œSay Goodbye to the Poop Bagā€ party. I served them in colostomy bags, for my sonā€™s girlfriend, who was having a colostomy reversal. It was pretty hilarious when we handed one to two-year old Paislei, my granddaughter, and she did not miss a beatā€¦shoved it straight in her mouth and yelled, ā€œITā€™S CHOKKITT!!ā€ā€¦I peed a little.


Iā€™ve been revulsed by one of these beforeā€¦LOL

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I did poop cookies last spring, for my kids.


This reminds me of the armadillo cake in ā€œSteel Magnoliasā€. :scream:


I wouldnā€™t eat that but only because I donā€™t like cakešŸ™ˆ
And about the :poop::poop: onesā€¦


I donā€™t understand someone not liking CAKEā€¦OMGā€¦cake, bread, and chocolate are like, my main reasons for living. :smile:

Like I said, starving fat woman here ~ give me a shovel full of that kitty litter cake, a slice of the baby, oh, and pass those poopy cookies my way, too! LOL ~ I WISH!!!

I can only DREAM of such treats. In reality, I am having a Natureā€™s Valley granola bar and a Lipitor with a big glass of lemon water. YAY me. Blah.


Anybody see or read, The Help? That was a pie but oh, what a pie :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

No apology necessary. You were just voicing your honest feelings towards a question asked. You did nothing wrong. :heart:


I agree I hate that cake tooā€¦JMO


I also hate that cake! :scream:


I think I was bothered more by the fact that the cake baby looks dead even before heā€™s sliced up, like itā€™s a morgue pic. shudder

People make all kinds of cakes though with no ill intentions. And I do like a good cake. :fork_and_knife: :laughing:


Thatā€™s just terrifying. Noooo, I definitely would have to pass.


@MichelleP20 we seriously need to go out for lunch one day! :smile:


Karen, @MichelleP20 lots of fun to go to lunch with. I highly recommend! :smile:
Sheā€™s fun to reborn with, too!


No would 100% not go near itā€¦ HOWEVER I did eat the heck out of my very realistic penis cake from my bachelorette party!!! :joy:


OMG! I just spit my tea!!! :smile: