Would you eat this cake?!?! šŸ˜³

Well, since I am on a LIFETIME DIET and cake is in my 3 favorite food groups, along with bread and cheeseā€¦HECK YEAH, I WOULD EAT A HUNK OF IT WITH A NICE COLD GLASS OF MILK!!! Starving fat woman over here, hand me a fork! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

CAKEā€¦my mouth waters at the thought of CAKEā€¦wish it was white cake with fudge frosting, though, my faveā€¦BUT canā€™t be choosy at a baby shower or whatever.

Iā€™m having a WW turkey dinner for lunch, along with some lovely grapes. Blah.


Was it the Body Worlds exhibit with the plastine bodies? I saw that one and thought it was amazing. As far as the cake goes, yep Iā€™d eat it so long as it tasted good. Itā€™s just cake. Youā€™d be surprised at the kinds of cakes people order. Itā€™s art like any other artā€¦just edible. And when people pay the exorbitant price of an event cake they want it to stand out and be memorable.

YIKES to those who say someone has to be shallow, put on psycho watch or whatever other derogatory statements just because they made a realistic cake. This one isnā€™t mine, but Iā€™ve made things very similar and Iā€™m pretty sure my feet are planted firmly in the non psycho realm. Just because something isnā€™t oneā€™s cup of tea doesnā€™t mean the person who created it is morally bankrupt or crazy, Itā€™s a cake. Itā€™s strange even hearing something like that come from the mouths of a group of folks who are often bashed and placed on ā€œpsycho watch listsā€ for making/collecting realistic dolls. Hurtful is hurtful and the same way you are passionate about and defend your craft/art, others are just as passionate and will defend theirs.


Umm no :sob:


No way"ā€¦


I do cake decorating and that still creeps me out! So no, I donā€™t think Iā€™d eat that. Though I think I may save this for the next person who tells me reborning is creepyā€¦ lol


Yes it was that exhibit, and it was amazing but still left feeling a bit odd about the whole thing.

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I donā€™t remember which city it was touring in when it happened, but someone stole that little baby. Now that to me was strange no matter how amazing the exhibit was.


Oh my gosh are you kidding!

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Channeling Jeffery Dahmerā€¦ Nope. Gross. Everyone thinks Iā€™m crazy already, this would land me in the ward in 2 seconds flat!


Oh I TOTALLY got that, @MichelleP20 ~ whenever I hear the word CREEPY I always take it as a compliment, no matter what! LOLā€¦itā€™s how my brain functions now. I call it ā€œreborn brain.ā€ :laughing:

Yeah, so Iā€™m a tad ā€œoffā€ ~ donā€™t judge; give me the cake and a fork and Iā€™m good.


Iā€™m on a low carb diet so when I read your title I was like ā€œYes cakeā€ but I think I would have to pass on that one !! Thatā€™s just wrong !!!


I hear you Karenā€¦!!..and MichelleP20ā€¦ Cake is cakeā€¦no one was hurt and so, yes, I will take a good couple of slicesā€¦!!..:slight_smile:




What a strange thing to say :frowning:

And no I would not want to eat a piece, and the person who made it or commissioned it is not somebody I would want to know. If it was a commission, the baker certainly can say NO.

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Now THAT is creepy!!! No I would lose my appetite just looking at it!!


I donā€™t like that at all.


Well, if I had no idea where it came from then maybe I would. Though, something about the shape and watching it be sliced makes my insides feel awkward. And Iā€™m guessing it is strawberry cake?

Not my cup of tea but thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to say since I donā€™t feel like I have any right to judge hahaā€¦:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No way. What was the purpose of a cake like that anyway?

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Iā€™m sure everyone understands the photo just brought up different emotions in everyone, at the end of the day itā€™s just a cake and like I said before the person Is a great artist cause if it didnā€™t look so real it wouldnā€™t be such topic