Womb baby machines

Hi all,

What are those balloon machines called that artists are making “womb” babies with?



I found it. It’s literally called a “balloon stuffing machine”!


Artist to artists…how do we feel about these womb babies? Thoughts?

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I love them but that is coming from the weird Alternative lady, lol! Someone on here was doing them for a while but I don’t remember who it was.

Found her but I don’t think she is around anymore.


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Thank you!!!

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I kinda like the look. Not sure what customers think about it.
Wouldn’t it be the amniotic sac, though? It’s not a full womb.

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I have long seen these gifts in shops and thought they were neat. I wondered how they got the things inside the balloon, but never did any research. I have not seen one with a realborn or reborn inside, but it might be nice. I guess I would have to see it to know for sure. Of course the balloons are special made for this and the machine required – well, I think it would be cost prohibitive. Still, an interesting idea.

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If you search the forum you may find some of the posts from a while back. There was a lady here named Anita who made several of the womb babies and she did them by hand, not using a machine. They came out really good, and were very cute.

I personally find this womb thing ridiculous and would never put a quality reborn baby all bound up in a latex balloon like that. I would worry that it would ruin the paint. But to each their own…


There is a lady on YouTube who shows you what she does and the machine she uses. Just search reborn womb baby. Its call a something stuffer but I cant remember the full name

Ladies, can someone please post the link or pictures what you are talking about? Link that Annette put above didn’t bring me any images. I am dying to see it as I never heard of it…

I think they look pretty realistic but once you blow up the balloon wouldn’t the baby bounce around in it during shipping?


It looks cool but I wouldn’t do it. Most of my babies have a long trip and Id worry about them if I couldn’t wrap them up properly.


Here’s a link Very first womb reborn baby going into the womb.❤️😁THIS IS A REBORN DOLL.❤️😁FOR ADULTS ONLY! - YouTube
Good point I didn’t think about it ruining the paint

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They are interesting but I wouldn’t want one. I just like dolls minus the birth part hahaha. I’m even on the fence about anatomically correct dolls though.

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Thank you, everyone, for educating me! Interesting idea. Not for everyone, tho.


I notice she does not show how rough she probably has to be to get the doll in there!


@jlesser Exactly, this is why she turn her back to the camera at that time.


agree, but always wondered how it was done (like a ship in a bottle)
thanks for sharing

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