WIP Tink

I stayed up all night and spent most of the day painting Tink. I am so determined to paint a kit regardless of how I feel, that I didn’t want to stop.
Luckily for my hands, I can’t continue until her eyes come in, or I’d probably stay up again tonight painting. My hands are going to hurt and swell anyway. I may as well let them swell while doing something I love doing.
I can honestly say that my babies are definitely labors of love. They may not be perfect, and they may take me FOREVER to finish, but every paint stroke is infused with so much care and love! :blush:


She is cute! Great job.

I am working on my second Tink right now and she is not even close to that cute yet.

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I love her skintone- so pretty🌹

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I love her! That tummy is looking so realistic!

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She’s adorable!

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Her skin tone is perfect.


So cute :heart_eyes:

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Thank you, everyone! I was worried about her skin tone and have been working on correcting it. I’m trying to tone down some of the red.
She’s not an easy kit to paint. Her vinyl takes paint strangely and it’s been a challenge. Hopefully once I have her eyes I get a better vision of where I’m going with her. My original plans were for her to be pale, and obviously that didn’t happen. Lol. This is my first open eyed baby. I have no clue how to even put eyes in yet. :flushed:


Beautiful! I love the skin tone.

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Skin tone looks amazing!! Beautiful

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Beautiful skin tone. She looks like she is drumming her fingers impatiently saying “Come on now, hurry up and finish me.”


Haha. Or she’s embarrassed that I posted pictures of her nails before they were fixed lol. My hands are so shaky it takes me forever to get straight lines on my nails. I probably do them at least 50 times until I’m happy with them. Lol.

Her skintone looks perfect!


Mine took paint weirdly too. Mostly on the thighs and upper arms. And mine is ethnic so it’s super noticeable. But she’s super precious! I can’t wait to see her done!


She looks great !

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Awww. That’s beautiful!

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The one I am working on now has greasy looking spots that wont wash off… wondering it paint will not adhere there… if not she will have vitiligo

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Mine did the same thing. I have so many coats on her it’s crazy. I also had a lot of flaws in the vinyl I had to fix. They didn’t show until the paint was already on and baked. Scratches, little gashes, you name it. Pretty disappointing considering the kit is not cheap.


I’ve had better looking seconds kits.


What a cute Tink!

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