WIP Tink

I’m just baking the matte on my Tink and also waiting on those little eyes. I had a horrible time getting her to take the paint to but when it did it turned out great. Mottling was a pain. As far as the red she a premie they are very red. She’s so cute. Yours is beautiful to. I don’t know how to sit still so I’m feeling for you. Not being able to do something you love has to be awful. See you in two weeks.


It’s very awful. At this point I’m trying to work with the disabilities. A little worried about rooting hair though. I’m not good at painting hair, and I don’t think I’ll be able to root hair anymore, so I’m not sure what to do with their hair. I may have to outsource someone to do all my hair for me. I just hate doing that because it’s going to get costly and I like doing my own babies. But I’ll cross that bridge when I get there I guess. All my work in progress babies are on hold right now because I need a little break. It will give me time to think about the hair situation.
Looking forward to meeting you!! :blush:


She is sooooo pretty! Your skintone looks so likelike. You’re making me want this kit now!

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I’m putting mine together and rooting the head she’s very tiny.

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I’ve always wanted her kit really badly. I’m not connecting with her like I thought I would though. I originally bought her to be a keeper, but I’m probably going to sell her. She is a really cute kit but like @babymaw said, she’s really tiny! I personally like a little bigger babies for myself.
Her kit has a lot of detail and character though. Her limbs take a long time to paint


I like premiers and newborn but she’s smaller than a premie.

I’ve had a few kits that I wanted so bad but when I got them not so much. I prefer larger open eyed kits but somehow Caleb stole my heart, lol. And of course the clothes that @Tessa has made for her was the icing on the cake. If I ever go on a trip or have to wait a while somewhere she sits perfect in my iPad Bag. I have been looking for the perfect Kit to Cuddle and BB Easton has my heart, closed eyes and all. I am pretty sure they will be my only closed eyed kits.

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Caleb is very sweet. He’s also a good marketing baby if you’re carrying him around in your bag :blush:. I’ve decided I’m keeping Caleb. She already thinks I’m her mommy because I’ve had her so long, so who am I to deny her if my love? Lol. Plus I have a million patterns for clothing for her.

I am just the opposite and like closed eye kits. I love sleeping babies. I bonded with Skya, Liam, Rose, Petunia and Caleb. Tink I’m loving the process of making her, but I’m not getting, “I’m your mommy vibe” from her. That all may change once she actually has eyes though. Right now there are no “emotions” in her face so to speak. If I don’t keep her, someone else will love her. I actually did a really good job with her paint and love how she turned out. She’s near perfection as far as my abilities go. I couldn’t have picked a better mommy for Skya because @BabyGizmo loves her so much, and I hope Tink goes to the same kind of person. I’ve never sold a baby but I can see myself being picky towards who my babies go to.


I do love my Skya! She is so perfect! I couldn’t have picked a better person to create my first baby. Tink is so cute! If I had the skills you do I’d make one too. She’s one of my favorite open eyed kits.


Oh, may I see your Caleb when you get her all done?

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@Tessa you just reminded me why I haven’t truly considered getting her, her size! I like a bigger baby as well. More the Landon size…