Who's in your line-up?


So, who’s everybody working on or have waiting? Who’s on your wish list?

I have Maisie in the middle of her paint job. Rosebud and Caleb who are in a box and will be getting painted one day…eventually

Just ordered Lane and Milo. Planning to do Milo as an Asian boy. Once I finish up all those I still have a long wishlist:

Nolan and Big Eliza (as fraternal twins)
Blaze and Dumplin (as B/G twins)
Cookie and Stormy (as twins)
Fei Yen

and some others that I can’t remember. My list changes every week, so I’ll probably add/subtract some by next week. LOL!

I’m hoping that BB will have some new ones for the Spring.

I am working on Baylee right now then I have Tessa and Princess the pug to do. I also want to do Rosebud some day and I love the thought of doing twins.

Im going to work on.Shyann and.Cozy.or.heather next!

I have several kits that I can do that I got on sale - Kitten, Ben, another Raine, bi-racial Kyra… Then a fairy to try to fix and molly to strip and redo. Finishing up Cozy and Kissable (Marita Winters). Just not sure whether I am really excited to do any of them as keepers. Figure I’ll work on these until I decide what one I want for me!

i have lady bug, she’s next in line, I have a cookie head that needs done, then joey and josey are supposed to come mid feb, and…OH I got a Kate that I HOPE turns into a boy. That ones just for fun, the rest were special orders.

Sweet Pea Awake and Benji Winters are next… Just finishing Ava Raine Tuzio-Ross…

— Begin quote from “UnknownFemale”

Precious gift has 1/2 head of hair
Tayla needs a body
Just started painting Aubrey
Berenguer boy needs hair
Next up. 2 monkey browns
Waiting on pre orders to be released of : Lincoln Eagles (1 boy and 1girl), Josiah Tuzio-Ross, and 2 Heavenly Russell.
Busy busy

— End quote

WOW!!! You are seriously committed!!

I forgot about Violet, Lulu and Taylor.

And a long list of kits that aren’t made by BB. A couple of Adrie’s new ones are so darn cute. My wishlist has really gotten ridiculous.

I am goign to do Kinsey for a trade for a set of baby bunk beds for Carlee for her bday. Then I have I think either Eliza or Honey for the donation baby for EMS conference and I want to do some human arms and legs for my Pug face that everyone says looks like Chewbacca, so i am going to those to fit then I will have to make the outfit. Then I want to do my angel baby to go along with the devil baby.

I am currently working on a Custom Kate (finished the painting have to root when I get home) A custom Kyle ( was finished the painting and on the last bake had a little accident forgot him in the oven and one of his legs split so now have to repaint and root) A Donation Baby for the Global Hydrencephaly Foundation due in June (finished painting have to root) A repair where I have to swap bodies and reweight, A custom Esmee (reborn and root) another repair where we are doing an entire strip and reborn and reroot, and just got an order for a custom lincoln when she finally comes out. I also have two pending custom shyann orders . I have a Linus kit coming that I want to work on and then I have about 30 to 50 kits sitting on a shelf lol

— Begin quote from “lastingmemoriesnursery”

I am currently working on a Custom Kate (finished the painting have to root when I get home) A custom Kyle ( was finished the painting and on the last bake had a little accident forgot him in the oven and one of his legs split so now have to repaint and root) A Donation Baby for the Global Hydrencephaly Foundation due in June (finished painting have to root) A repair where I have to swap bodies and reweight, A custom Esmee (reborn and root) another repair where we are doing an entire strip and reborn and reroot, and just got an order for a custom lincoln when she finally comes out. I also have two pending custom shyann orders . I have a Linus kit coming that I want to work on and then I have about 30 to 50 kits sitting on a shelf lol

— End quote

LOL at least now i dont feel so bad having like 23 kits in boxes!!! wow busy bee you are!!

I am currently working on:
Lil Monkey~ Bonnie Brown which is a custom order
Eliza~ Rupert as a ethnic baby (half painted)
Devine~ Tamie Yarie ethnic baby (half painted)
Gena~Fagan finsihed skin layers
Jewel~Pratt finished skin layers

then I have a few on the way from BB, Dumplin will be after these as is custom order, Caleb custom order… list just goes on!! LOL Im booked up until May for customs, and July is booked out also. LOL busy year ahead of me!

I’ve got kits stacked up around here like you wouldn’t believe…well, yes, you guys WOULD believe it since we’re all reborners! I’ve been painting trains from paint by number kits…veeeeeeery interesting project for me, since I’m a landscape painter. I find it rather difficult, following the numbers. As some of you know, following rules is not exactly second-nature to me.

Anyway, some of the kits I can recall that I need to get going on are Cozy, Shyann, Gabriel, Gena, Violet, Ladybug, and Precious Gift. I’m kind of in slug mode right now, though.

My line up is very scatter brained, I like to flip flop what I’m working on to keep it new and exciting:
Custom Robin by Adrie Stoete , Custom Ryan by Sandy Faber

Custom Melinchen by Birgit Gutzwiller, WIP Sleeping Ariana Reva Schick

WIP Vanessa Adrie Stoete, Delia by Natalie Blick

Custom Sally By Regina Swialkowski & Custom Maggie Marie by Sandy Faber

Wip Lady Bug, Cuddles (no Eyes), Tibby and Taylor by Donna Rubert

In line:
Custom Boy Victoria by Sheila Michael
Custom Chenoa by Jannie de Lange
Custom Shyann and Riley Peterson
Custom Kai by Jannie de Lange
Natalie By Adrie Stoete
and a couple dozen kits, just waiting…

Your Arianna is absolutely GORGEOUS…WOW!!!

I have Saorise finished on her body waiting to put her in her wardrobe and a photo shoot.
then we have Starlight Doeven who was done as a biracial baby for a class still waiting for her rooted hair (some is already pencilled on.
Also have a swap baby for the Michigan Get it Together Weekend to root and dress. At least her painting is done.
Lilli Klinger, Alex Gwin, Antoinette Murray and Elizabeth Gregg are all finished ready for bodies which I need to sew.
I would really like to start my Monkey since she/he was a birthday present from Barb and I have had her for over a month now. I love Bonnie Brown’s babies!
I think I will get it more organized and finished after the Get it Together weekend which is March1-3 here at my house. So far 19 ladies are coming for a weekend of food, fun, food, babies, and laughter. Oh and food! That is like taking up most of my waking hours at the moment.

I haven’t worked on babies in a while. The holidays really pulled me away. Now, I might be facing getting cut a day at work because of Obamacare. So, I figured I better get back to reborning and make some money. So, I have Paige that I’m rooting and I’m painting Libby. Cozy, Gena, Rosebud and Kitten are all painted and waiting. I have Tessa and Stinker to do someday, but they are for me. I have a gorilla, too.

I am about to start my swap baby for the Mother’s day swap. I love those feet and hands. I wish all sculpts had limbs like this one.

I will be starting my second reborn soon.
I have Cozy, Heather, and Juliet from BB, and a non BB, Ashley by Violet Parker. (Coming in March.)

Just finished Cooper and Aaron Scherer and rooting Ashley by Violet Parker and started painting Seraphina and Lotti tonight.