Who's in your line-up?

— Begin quote from “CuteNCuddly”

I will be starting my second reborn soon.
I have Cozy, Heather, and Juliet from BB, and a non BB, Ashley by Violet Parker. (Coming in March.)

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Your 1st looks great… What sculpt is that??

I have started my 2nd,3rd,and 4th babies.;
Taite is ready for rooting
Teagan is half painted
Sydney has just been started
My wish list is really long. I think I want to do an open eyed baby soon.

Pia - The baby in my siggy is “Kirsten” by Stephanie Sullivan. He (I named him Sam) turned out so nice, I’m thinking about getting more of her kits!

— Begin quote from “grammyjladr”

finishing Crystal, Julian,Julie, Mauvie, Shyanne, Ryan, Ben, Lady Bug, Franklin, and wanting to start Fei Yen, (2) and Monkey by onnie Brown. Most of them just need rooting…I hate that part…

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WOW!!! I would be stressed out with that many babies waiting for hair!