Who are you working on?

Presley asleep is waiting (glue to dry) to have his head attached. Lulu is getting rooted. Scarlett will be a hispanic baby and has 2 coats of paint so far (waiting for new paint to come in the mail) . I just started Kaelin and Kadence tonight and they have 3 coats of paint so far.

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We have some bussy bees here. Iā€™m still trying to save scarlet also working on my Presley awake and my kase twins but I only get maybe two hours a week of work time so moving slowly

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I just finished rooting my Elsie last night and as soon as I get her together I have Kyle, Leah and Heather in line to be painted.

I am not currently working on any babies yet, but I am working on making bodies for the kits that I have that I donā€™t have bodies for. Today I plan to complete 3 bodies out of 21 that I need to make. I may have more time to work on my kits slowly though because I am currently out of work do to a back injury that happened at work and I have to go see their doctor tomorrow morning. I am hurting so I have to take lots of breaks and I am trying not to over do it.


Please take it easy and get better! :heart:ļø

Painting Precious Gift right now.
@Rnd210 I hope you feel better soon. Iā€™ve hurt my back numerous times and itā€™s no picnic. Best of luck to you!


I cant wait to see! PG is my favoriteā€™!

I managed to complete one body (Laneā€™s) and it is for a full arm and full leg, I need to get some elastic (thought I had some but not finding it) to take in and shape the butt area and the chest area but at least I have one body done two more to go and then I am finished for today I think. I stopping now and taking a break. Making the bodies is pretty easy but it is going to take me a while because I keep having to stop to rest.

@Nikkiroc I will take it easy I donā€™t want to hurt more than I already do. Thank you for caring.

@bebe I hope I get to feeling better too, this isnā€™t the first time Iā€™ve hurt my back, but it is the first time it happened at work. I hurt my back the first time when 15 years ago and it wasnā€™t fun. I was helping my 1 year old walk down stairs while I was carrying a laundry basket of dirty clothes in my other arm and I slipped on ice and landed flat on my back with baby on top of me and I donā€™t remember what happened to the laundry basket. The baby thought it was fun and wanted to swing again. I couldnā€™t move my legs or even feel them for almost 6 weeks, because my spinal cord was bruised and swollen. This time is not that bad but it still hurts and as long as I take it easy and rest it should be ok. Thank you for caring. I hope you donā€™t have any long term back problems from your back injuries.

:worried: Oh my goshā€¦ That must have been painful. Iā€™m so sorry that happened to you. Take good care of yourself. I do have some back pain every day, some days worse than others. But I have scoliosis, 2 herniated discs with nerve roots being pressed so I have less sensation in one leg, a torn disc and spinal arthritis. The first time I had back pain bad enough to really hurt I was 13. When I was 17 I fainted from the pain and hit my head on the bathroom radiator, cutting my head in front of my ear. Iā€™ve had times where I could not leave a bed at all, not even to use the washroom. It is not as dramatic now, but more constant.

It was painful, but the worst part wasnā€™t the pain, it was inability to pick up and hold my baby when he wanted me to pick him up (he was a mommaā€™s boy) so no one else would do. My husband thinks I may have a herniated disk this time (I hope not). I see the doctor tomorrow and then probably x-ray. I already have arthritis in my lower back. My husband says there is a knot that he can feel on my lower back right now which is why he thinks I may have a herniated disk.

If itā€™s any comfort, I used to be a licensed massage therapist and you can have large knots in your back without disc herniation.
If you have a herniation and the disc contents are pressing on a nerve, you may have tingling or numbness in a leg, pain down that leg that goes down to the lower leg or foot (other types of injury may radiate into the thighs but not the lower leg).
I hope you heal quickly. You might want to try applying ice packs for 15 minutes a few times a day to reduce inflammation. Good luck and keep us posted please!
I know what you mean about the hardest part. My son was about 3 or so when I was pregnant and had also hurt my back badly. I eventually miscarried. It was a hard time.

Oh No! I am so sorry to hear of your injury, and glad to hear that you are improving. Take care of yourself.

Iā€™ve been doing the ice packs and tylenol and resting. I am sorry to hear about your loss. I hope to know a little more tomorrow.

I never did complete the other two bodies, but I did manage to get some mohair washed and dyed (tea dyed) and conditioned and some combed and tied together about 1 oz completed. It is a pretty hair color somewhere between honey blond, strawberry blond, and very light brown (undecided on actual color).

Wouldnā€™t tea dying run?

From what I have read tea dying shouldnā€™t bleed or run once it is set but it may fade in sunlight and as long as it is not washed with bleach it is permanent.

Cool! Thanks for the info!

I am working on Joey. I have had him a while and wanted to do him but though he was, well, not cute. Now, I feel totally different. I think he is going to be a favorite of mine and a keeper. I just love looking at him. I am rooting and then he will be finished.

I have an assembly line of babies going on. Yikes!!! Not sure why I did this to myself.

Coco Malu
Zachary (Brace)
Liam (May)
Presley Awake
Asher Asleep

I will say this 5 out of those 6 are customs. Iā€™m nuts I know!


I gave up on sewing bodies for now it make my back hurt more. I started working on Joey, Josie, and the two custom Sweet Pea Awake babies, I just finished their mottling and waiting for them to dry so that I can bake them, then its creases, another layer of skin tone (maybe), blushing, any needed touch ups, a few washes (yellow ocher, burnt umber, mint), nails, and satin finish them. I started them yesterday and I probably wonā€™t be finished painting until friday. I plan to start rooting on friday.