I got my Alessandro today And i’m so disappointed in the way the arms are made. They are not proportionate, and they have no curvature to the shoulder. His hand is as big or bigger than the shoulder area. I’m really getting tired of paying lots of money up for kits, only to find something about them disappointing. I love the face on this kit, but these arms I’m only hoping will be okay when on a body and cover it up.
Oh wow! I’m waiting on mines and this is really disappointing…I agree, there should be a sculpted shoulder
Ohh…wow that really is disappointing. I did not order him but I wanted to initially.
Ugh! Mine comes Sat.
I really think EVERY dealer should show BLANK kit pics…
And I thought peaches didn’t have any shoulders! Ugh that is so frustrating.
Oh wow. Why put so much attention into the face sculpting and then skimp on the limbs. Its like Ethon Brace. His face was adorable but his limbs were basic.
I don’t know but I think the business of producing so many kits a year has caused the attention to details to be lost and quality is not what it used to be.
Yep…you are right.
That looks odd. Its like a mix between full and 3/4 limbs. I wonder if it would look nice on one of those jointed full limb bodies.
I actually like kits with this style of shoulder. You will like it when you have it on a body. Doesn’t look like a football player like many of them do.
I hope you are right. Hopefully a happy medium between weird realborn shoulders and huge protruding ones… lol
Okay, I have lightly stuffed his body with nothing but Pollyfill. From looking at my pictures, I probably should have put a little more in at the top. But anyway, you can get the idea. It’s not awful, but his elbows are definitely very angular.If you overstuffed him, he’s not going to lay right. I still think his upper arms are too skinny in comparison to him overall and they’re a little too long, like monkey arms if you ask me.
There is definitely a happy medium between football shoulders and no shoulders. I plan to get an Alessandro anyway. I bet Cassie did it on purpose for one reason or another. She’s a pro- she wouldn’t accidentally do something like that.
They probably would work well with those bodies. But I think they look okay on the one in the pictures, too. You’d just have to not over stuff him.
I still love his face and I think he will make a lovely baby for that reason. Glad I only got the one though.
I got mine today too and was highly disappointed with the arms and hands. Legs are just ok. Such a nice face, it’s a shame.
That’s how Elsie is too, I believe.
She makes so many kids but i see it turned out for worse
Better spend more time at one so they look good than go on to another one
And also for 125,00 you expect quality
I never buy kids that mutch i find the prices riddiculous
Same! I didn’t bite on this one