When your husband

My husband messaged me today while he was at work and said “have you seen arya by ping lau!” And I said “yes I was thinking about getting her :)” he said “you should get her!, she’s so adorable!”
Let’s just say I’ve found a keeper :blush: arya will be on preorder asap :slight_smile:


Wow … That is a good and cute and lovely husband . Dos eye has a brother my age ???

Please do update as when you have the kit :slight_smile:


Lolol he has a brother in his mid 20s :wink:


Ha ha … I am almost double than 20 .

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This says she is Sansa’s sister sculpt.
Doesnt mention preorder… ?


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Yes I knew that! It says it in the description :slight_smile:

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So she is on pre-order but you have to pay in full? Most say $30 pre order etc. So I am confused. :slight_smile:

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I have no idea

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Yea I’d say u found a keeper, if my husband could, he would throw all my dolls, kits and paints in the garbage truck as they drove by, so I couldn’t get them back out! He hates them, well he hates anything I do that doesn’t involve housework, cooking, or him and the kids! Boo!!!


You definitely have to order her and keep that husband !!! He’s a jewel for sure.

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We have the same life!!! Seriously! Thank god I can cook… Or I would be homeless! Me and my 4 dogs!!!


Haha Nikki, I hear ya! But he has his golf clubs all over the place and goes a few times a week, all I ask for is peace and quiet once the kids go to bed, let me paint and shut your trap!


At least yours has a hobby!!! We have a home office… And I work for him. We are together 24/7. No lie. I pray for golf!


I am not sure if my hubby would ever be looking at dolls at work… He is a computer forensic technician and works for the government… Comparable to the FBI kind of place… Without the black suits and shades… But he might get hands on helping order or deciding what kit I should get next… He also cooks and cleans more than I do… I have a chronic pain condition where often it is difficult to stand for long or do strenuous house work…
On my good days I do it… On my bad days he does… We make a great team… He is one in a million… We waited for each other for 15 years… 6 years ago we finally made it together…
But really cool how hubby suggested a doll for you… True love…


My husband would never look up dolls. But trust me… I try and show him all the time! Lolol He doesn’t get it… He didn’t mind as much when I said bb is having a sale… Look at this one! She’s 30 dollars! But I have graduated to… I love this one! It’s an LLE! It will sell out! She’s only 160!!! I admit. Actually, it is kind of crazy. It’s not bad when you sell s 30 dollar sculpt for 250… But when you pay 160 for naked vinyl… It’s ouch if you don’t bring in more! Lol I do it because I love it… But I can see the point of view!


Hmmm Ping Lau must like Game of Thrones lol

That is a great husband lol


I love game of thrones!!!

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We do too!! Wonder if Ping Lau will come out with a Tyrion or Kaleesi lol

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I would be so excited!!! Tyron is one of my fav characters EVER! So witty! My mom thinks I have a crush on him! Lol she said she is buying me his poster for my wall!!! Lolol I told her… I love his brain!!! That’s a first!!! Best show ever!!! But… Have you tried to read the books??? :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:

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Oh so my age!! Perfect!!! LOL :yum:

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