When reborning, what do you run out of first n the most

I usually run out of e6000 n glass beads first. I can never get all the glue out of the tube. I roll it up from end. Then it gets hard to squeeze. So I just go buy another one.


Beads, Bubble wrap, boxes, gift bags, glue and paint thinner

Oh and stockings


I’ve started buying E6000 this way. The smaller tubes are sooo much easier to use and I don’t waste as much.


Thanks, I’ll have to try them.

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When I was able to get to Michaels on a regular, I would use the 40 n 50% off coupons to stock up on thinner.


Joanns also has that size & coupons

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Jenni that is a lot of things to run out of LOL I think right size rings and boxes for me.

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Hahahaha! Well hopefully I dont run out of all of them at once! :wink:

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Beads. Sometimes I buy in bulk and think I’ll have plenty for a while. Then I go to weight a doll and find out I’m all out again. :rofl:


I run out of Poly-Fill (I order it from Puppentraumlaund in Germany, its my fav) and stockings. I keep bins of two different sizes of glass beads and I also use steel shot so I don’t have to worry about weighting material so much. I also run out of varnish!


Varnish, cable ties, and stockings!


I found a 4 pack at michaels of little tubes!!!


You beat me to it

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beads, flesh 02, zip ties.

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What do you use the steel shots for. I brought 2 bags from bb last year. Haven’t used them. Only brought cause they were on sale.

I just ordered some flesh 02 from eBay.

Odorless paint thinner then glass beads.

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Yes! I’m out of thinner right now. And Hobby Lobby is an hour away! :tired_face:

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fiberfill.and glass beads for the limbs, the toddlers really take a lot… go thru them like water


They are heavier than the glass beads so you use less, also good for weighting heavier babies with less bulk.

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