When reborning, what do you run out of first n the most

I worry about using them and the doll getting scan at an airport (if the customer travels wiht it)

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I let people know that I used it. I doubt Ill buy anymore though once I run out of this, its dirty and I have to double and triple bag (stocking) it.

Do you think it would cause problems?..I mean, donā€™t magnets set off the metal detectors as well?

Beads!! I feel like Iā€™m constantly running out, and now Iā€™ve got 4 toddlers coming up ā€¦ after I finish my current keeper and my 4 Christmas babies to sell. I need to find a way to affordably buy bulk beads in Canada, right now Iā€™m just getting 10 lbs to stay within decent shipping costs every time I order from a supplier.

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Beads and zip tied

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Stockings :slight_smile: And filling materialsā€¦so like I have a truckload of glass beads, angel silk, and knee highs lol! Next after that is tiny makeup applicators and sponges then PAINTBRUSHES! Yeahā€¦I use up crappy ones on my flesh tones and chunk them :wink:


I thought I was the only one that constantly brought paintbrushes n sponges. I just recently started using the same sponge more than once.

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I tear pieces off so I can reuse them. I run out of slow dri and wedges first.

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I have a million sponges, lol. But I use the wedges, tear them and throw them away after 1 or sometimes two uses Except the blending ones I was and keep them.

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Do you mean the beauty blenders? I love those for ethnic complexions!

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Yes that is what I mean. :grinning:

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I get mine from the dollar store. They work good and I can toss them without a lot of guilt.

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